17.05.2023 13:28:55 ///our url ///
[client] AH01215: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_check_php_mysql_versions() in /mnt/web216/c3/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/wp-settings.php:37: /home/strato/http/power/rid/25/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/index.php
17.05.2023 13:28:55 ///our url///[client] AH01215: Stack trace:: /home/strato/http/power/rid/25/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/index.php
17.05.2023 13:28:55 ///our url /// [client] AH01215: #0 /mnt/web216/c3/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/wp-config.php(93): require_once(): /home/strato/http/power/rid/25/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/index.php
17.05.2023 13:28:55 ///our url /// [client] AH01215: #1 /mnt/web216/c3/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/mnt/web216/c3/…’): /home/strato/http/power/rid/25/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/index.php
17.05.2023 13:28:55 ///our url /// [client] AH01215: #2 /mnt/web216/c3/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once(‘/mnt/web216/c3/…’): /home/strato/http/power/rid/25/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/index.php
17.05.2023 13:28:55 ///our url /// [client] AH01215: #3 /mnt/web216/c3/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/index.php(17): require(‘/mnt/web216/c3/…’): /home/strato/http/power/rid/25/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/index.php
17.05.2023 13:28:55 ///our url /// [client] AH01215: #4 {main}: /home/strato/http/power/rid/25/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/index.php
17.05.2023 13:28:55 a///our url /// [client] AH01215: thrown in /mnt/web216/c3/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/wp-settings.php on line 37: /home/strato/http/power/rid/25/95/5162595/htdocs/interim-wp/index.php
Our hosts says they can′t find a malware attack that day..
Would be very kind of you to help us out in finding out what causes our problem here.
Thank you.
Has anybody encountered this issue and fixed it before? Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Thank you!
]]>Installation failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
any ideas why this is and what I can do please?
]]>I am hosting?my wife’s site on a home computer. Everything is working great. Now she would like to use WordPress for her forum. I am a basic user, please be kind with terms and instructions.
The FIRST message (from W3 Total Cache) that shows up at the top of my PlugIn Page is the following:
New Relic is not running correctly. The plugin has detected the following issues:
PHP module is not enabled.
PHP agent is not enabled.
API Key is invalid.
Account ID is not configured.
Application ID is not configured. Enter/Select application name.
License key could not be detected.
Please review the settings.
A couple of weeks ago, when I first saw this message, I went to New Relic, signed up for their free service, and was immediately faced with choices I didn’t understand. Eventually found their forum, a nice woman told me I was basically in the wrong place. The “New Relic” system is designed for BIG companies and their infrastructure.
Keeping with the rules of one topic per post, I’ll limit my question to the above—-how do I implement those things, if I don’t really need, (or understand), New Relic?
Several of the “do this next” W3 Total Cache (and WP Touch) instructions, flow from, or are dependent on, the success of answering that first major group of errors/requirements. I’ll have to ask those questions after I get this first thing resolved.
Thanks for your help
]]>Today on a new client website we tried to install this plugin twice. First as an plugin downloaded from your website (newer version). Second downloaded from this wordpress page.
Both times get the error message:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 122880 bytes) in /data/23/2/82/101/2245916/user/2467834/htdocs/blog/wp-admin/menu.php on line 77
Not code savvy. More Web Designer than Web Developer – can you give simple instructions how to solve this problem. Thanks.
]]>Any Idea why it installed fine on a Localhost and not on the fresh wordpress install o the ftp?
Is there anyway to manually add the Widget to the Widget areas.
Thanks in advance
]]>1. Open your WordPress Dashboard. Make sure that, Highend theme is installed and activated, also make sure you have installed required plugins.
2. Click Settings on your left dashboard sidebar menu.
3. Click Import
4. Click WordPress Import and install additional plugin if needed.
5. Select the XML file in “Demo Content” folder to import.
6. Check to upload all content if you want images to be uploaded.
7. Attach all posts to your user.
8. This may take a while (up to 20 minutes). Please wait and do not interrupt the process.
they should have a way for every user to install all components offered without requiring to get into the sites. A lot of their customers get so frustrated they hand over their private info.
Is there anything you can do to help so I can install the demo like possible making a place for me in settings to import xml as described above?
I was shopping for themes on wordpress.com, which I now realize was a mistake since I am self-hosting. Anyway, I found a theme I like called “Edin.” In the “Live Demo”, it has a large image on the front page and horizontal sections that appear scrolling downward containing things like static page links, posts and content like “testimonials” and “authors”.
I searched for the same theme on www.remarpro.com and found something called Edin. It even has a screen shot as the preview or teaser image that is the same as the home page from the .com Live Demo. However, when I preview the theme, it looks COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, with none of the features from the Live Demo. I installed it and got the same minimal, unexciting look.
Is a huge amount of customization necessary to achieve the look from the .com Live Demo? Or is the theme just completely different (despite the misleading teaser)?