I solved one problem and created another. I just discovered that the odd structure is killing my search engine traffic and incoming links because search engines are looking at www.dreams123.net for content, and the content is in the WP folder.
Before I start hacking away to fix the problem I thought I’d ask the kind experts in the support forum about the best fix. If I move WP to the www directory, will I have to change all of my links? Right now everything is set up with an extra WP in it. What I mean is, for example, to log in I go to https://dreams123.net/wp/wp-login.php. Every internal link has that extra WP and I’ve created a lot of content. If I gotta bite the bullet and change it all by hand I will, but if I don’t have to, well, that’s preferable.
Thank you for your help!!
]]>our blog is heatherhuntdc.com
I’ve tried heatherhuntdc/blog/wp-mail.php but that’s not it. To be clear, I posted the code into a text widget in the footer of the weaver2 theme.
<iframe src=”https://yourblogdomain/wordpressinstalldir/wp-mail.php” name=”mailiframe” width=”0″ height=”0″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” title=””></iframe>
Edit the above line of code so that it refers to the location of your wp-mail.php file. Add this line of code to the footer.php file in the directory for whatever theme you are using (don’t include it within an HTML paragraph).
]]>I have WP installed in a directory one level outside of the root (ryannbosetti.com/reference) and I’ve set up a static page as the front page for ryannbosetti.com. Now, I’d like to have the posts page, the blog, be the directory where WP is installed (ryannbosetti.com/reference) but I’m having trouble figuring this out.
I created a blank posts page as this guide shows how, but it doesn’t let me name it the same as the directory where WP is installed, “reference” in this case.
I’m guessing this is problem because of a conflict with the virtual directory and the real directory, but how can I resolve this?
Thanks again for your help!
]]>I don’t know how to do that and I have a feeling that’s not really the answer to my problem.
Please, can you explain how I can get my actual site to be on www.root.com? And where exactly should my wordpress install be?
]]>I already have a website up and running which is written in Coldfusion. On the website I have a news section: https://www.mydomain.co.uk/news/ and I want to install WordPress to take over from this part of the website. I’ve chosen WordPress as it will be perfect for tagging news posts and allowing other people to easily log in to the CMS to add and edit news content.
I am now unsure where to install WordPress, should I do this on the root or https://www.mydomain.co.uk/news/ (i.e. the news folder on my root) I am unsure of the pro’s and con’s of each.
Would someone be kind enough to elighten me?
I’ve installed V2.8 into a subdirectory called /wordpress instead of installing it in my root directory. I don’t want the end users to see the wordpress subdirectory name in the URLs. I’ve followed another techdoc, which I cannot locate, that directed me to perform the following steps in order to mask the URL to be my domain name.
These steps included:
1) Copy the index.php and .htaccess files to the root directory.
2) Change my index.php file as follows:
require(‘.//wp-blog-header.php’); to
3) Go to General and update the ‘Blog address URL’ to my base URL.
4) Update my Permalink Setting to use the ‘Day and name’ format.
This works well for showing everything off my my URL, except for the login page, this still displays as – ./wordpress/wp-login.php
Are there any trick or tips that you could share with me that would let me mask the login directory (and any other you can think of) similar to how the home directory was masked above?
Thanks so much in advance,
I unzipped the WordPress- 2.7.1.zip file and it created the directory: ‘wordpress’ and everything in or below it.
According to the “Famous 5-minute install”, after I modify the wp-config.php file I am supposed to-
4.Upload everything.
5.Open /wp-admin/install.php in your browser….
My question is this- should I put the ‘wordpress’ directory and all of its contents in the ‘public’ directory -or- just the contents of the ‘wordpress’ directory?
If I copy the ‘wordpress’ directory and all of its contents to the ‘public’ directory, I believe step 5 above will be:
5.Open /wordpress/wp-admin/install.php in your browser….
I’d “prefer” to create the ‘wordpress’ directory and put everything WP under it but will doind so mess things up?
Many thanks!!
$search = “https://”.$_SERVER[“HTTP_HOST”];
$replace = “”;
$mix = bloginfo(‘siteurl’);
$newphrase = str_replace(“$search”, “$replace”, $mix);
No dice.