He then resolved it by placing this code in his themes function.php
update_option(‘upload_url_path’, ‘/wp-content/uploads’);
I created a sub domain and duplicated my site to it for testing. It copied all the media files there by doubling my disk usage.
Using his trick I pointed all the imagine links on the test site back to the main site and was able to delete all the redundant images.
update_option(‘upload_url_path’, ‘https://MYSITENAME.COM/wp-content/uploads’);
]]>I get this error when authenticating with Insta:
error_type “OAuthException”
code 400
error_message “Insufficient developer role”
The same happens on two websitesmof mine.
]]>They can download the image with the download button or share it on Facebook. That works fine. Instagram is increasingly being used by my target group. They post the pictures to share with their friends.
Is it possible to add a button for share pictures on the Social Media network Instagram for sharing the picture in the Instagram app on mobile phone?
]]>Any chance you figure out a fix for Firefox?