I receive a lot a spams inscriptions with the plugin.
I use a v3 recaptcha key, I try to but the score on 1 in the settings but nothing calm down.
How can I limit this? What more I can do?
Thanks for your answer.
]]>Je vois qu’il faut mettre un identifiants et mot de passe venant de la poste web services.
Cependant, quand je tape ?a dans Google je n’arrive pas à trouver où créer un compte. En effet, je me retrouve sur pleins de liens différents de la poste.
Pouvez vous me dire comment faire pour créer le compte correspondant ?
]]>I need a lot of inscription for differents role on this event, and different segment.
First step,
Game Master inscription (white a lot of information about game). He creat an activity about the event.
-I wish that after completing the registration form they receive a confirmation email (acctualy dosen’t possible) How can I do that ?
– How to make the
[contact-field label="summary" type="text" required="1"/]
on more than one line? A multi-line textual fill field (a summary of the story) ? the same thing that message entry.
– how to are sure that the filled email can not register two entry at the same proposed schedule ?
Second step,
After, 1 month of Game Master Inscription, is time to Players inscription. (second formular (attached link)
– I have the possibility to importe CSV about the resulte first step (Game Master). I would like to import some label from the first step (name of game, Name of Game Master, style of play, resume, noob or not, player number, date, time slot) How can I do that ?
– How can I do send a confirmation mail (same than step one)
– how to are sure that the filled email can not register two entry at the same proposed schedule ?
I know it’s a very specific and complex request. I realize how much time it can take to find solutions and write an answer. I thank you in advance for the time given to my request
]]>And user can receive a mail if there is new comment, but they also have the possibility to unsubscribe, and to check the differents inscriptions.
French version is ok
Thank you very much. This plugin must be in WordPress by default !
Thanks in advance and any other ideas are welcomed.
]]>I have a customer who wants to “force like” before inscription. He wants that users of his site like a social media for confirm his inscription, for example like facebook page or twitter page for confirm his inscription.
I have searched a plug-in but I haven’t found any. Have you any idea ?
Thanks !
P.S : Sorry if there are mistakes, I’m french
]]>Can you help me ???
int. Not in my Junk mail, already check