Kind regards,
ajax turned on and name, email, and city inputs marked as mandatory (our preferred setup): form wont submit because all mandatory inputs are empty error (even though they have a value)
ajax turned on and no inputs marked as mandatory: form submits but does not save name, email, or city
ajax off and name, email, and city inputs marked as mandatory: form wont submit because all mandatory inputs are empty (even though they have a value)
ajax off and no inputs marked as mandatory: form submits and saves all input data
]]>add_action( 'woocommerce_after_checkout_validation', 'misha_validate_fname_lname', 10, 2);
function misha_validate_fname_lname( $fields, $errors ){
if ( strpos( $fields[ 'billing_n_matricula' ], 300) === false ){
$errors->add( 'validation', 'Seu número de matrícula parece estar errado, favor digitar o correto.' );
I have noticed recently that validation errors have stopped working on this contact form.
WordPress 5.2.2
CF7 5.1.3
I have tried disabling all other plugins but still not work.
Also – I can’t seem to update the contact form without it getting a 404 on submit save.
Any ideas?
]]>I have been warned that anything can be inserted in the input field, including db queries and there was a demonstration that this could actually open an account to third parties (by chaining it with other tricks). At the moment the only validation possible is number or email, but I guess we need to be able to restrict the character set in order to avoid this kind of intrusion.
Any suggestion, please?
Best regards
]]>Is there any way to display an error message when the form is submitted without filling anything out? I have seen a couple code solutions in this forum but none of them have worked for me.
]]>Name (required)
If I try to send the form without fillinig in the required field, I can’t click in it any more. I can access it with the tab but not with the mouse.
This happens since I updated the plugin to version 3.9.1.
This is the link to the form:
Any ideas?
]]>I thought to change my DB maintenance schedule and I realized I can enter and save 24:59 (I actually wanted to set it to 23:59, which I did later on).