To get the usual preliminaries out of the way:
— Yes, I’ve read
— Yes, I’ve read the various other threads.
— Yes, the wp-content/uploads directory exist and is chmod’d to 777
— Yes, I even created the year/month directory path under the uploads directory and chmod’d to 777. Yes, I even tried it without the year month option.
— No, there’re no plug-ins running.
— Yes, I understand everyone here are volunteers and am generally grateful for that. Yes, I’ve become very frustrated.
— Yes, the file is under 8 MB… tested files as small as 3kb and nothing over 50kb.
— No, php is not running in safe mode.
I can upload files via ftp. I can even do it inline using a simple perl script for that purpose… to the same directory.
What next? Any ideas?
]]>does anyone know the reason behind?
]]>I’ve been running WordPress a few days now, and up untill now it has happened two times sofar that the file /wp-admin/inline-uploading.php seems to break. Why this happens is beyond me. I just don’t touch the files within the wp-admin dir myself.
Anyway, this is what happens. I can upload and select images fine and later when I get back to the write/edit page I can’t. Instead of the image upload functionality a scroll bar appears with one very long HTML comment tag without the closing construct.
<!————way long———-
Any ideas?
The first time I fixed it by overwriting the file with an original one from the downloaded zip file. But since this is the second time I plan to debug it a little when I get home this afternoon.
This is the inline-uploading file as it is on my blog as we speak and this little puppy results in that long string of “–“‘s.
To me at first glance there’s nothing changed here. But I don’t have a correct version handy right now, blocking corp. firewall
[snipped by moderator. consider a service like for huge files]
As per moderator’s request:
My WP installation has path such like this:
and images doesn’t upload. The interesting thing is that in the same domain I have another WP 2.0.2 installation, but with path: and everything works fine.
I’ve tried to solve issues form posts: 67269 and 65749 and it does’t work. Installing Image Manager and switching off WP’s internal image processing also doesn’t work!
What’s up?
]]>Anybody know where/how I can do that?