Much handier if I could enter width in rem units.
]]>I am editing my template using new block template
Thank you
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]]>Thank you
]]>is it possible to take a file that was attached to the CF7 form and get the address of said file to use it in HTML?
For instance, say we have [file mypicture max:10mb png|jpg]
Is there a way to use this file as the image source in something like: < img src=”[mypicture]” /> or something similar?
I know that CF7 temporarily uploads attachments to a temp folder in the WP installation, then sends that file as an attachment in the email, and then deletes the file from the temp folder.
Is there a way to make cf7 instead permanently save the file, and return the file’s address?
]]>created a post with several paragraphs
created a quote block
clicked the “+” at the top of the quote block
clicked the inline image block
added a picture
can not visually delete the inline image from the quote block
Can only delete by going into the HTML code editor.
]]>Thank you.
]]>And, can we choose which file types to allow or restrict? Is there a list to choose from?
]]>Most of the users will have googles “inbox” android app installed on their phones or tablets so they can inset an inline image so they can post an image along with text content on the their website.
The inline image works well with a desktop client i.e. Apple mail, and will work from their android phone as long as their is no inline image, the minute an image is inserted and sent it fail to process succesfully leaving a tmptitile post with the same in the post body.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
]]>Also your signature plugin allows us to create forms for registrations and many other use cases where a signature is needed.
While working with it we wanted to have the signatures as embedded images in the email messages, which also makes them basically unnecessary to save on the webserver.
As your signature field already returns the image Base64 encoded we modified your plugin this way:
function wpcf7_manage_signature ($posted_data) {
foreach ($posted_data as $key => $data) {
if (is_string($data) && strrpos($data, "data:image/png;base64", -strlen($data)) !== FALSE){
$data_pieces = explode(",", $data);
$encoded_image = $data_pieces[1];
// Make the signature available as Base64 encoded image for inline use in HTML Email
$posted_data[$key.'-inline'] = $data;
$decoded_image = base64_decode($encoded_image);
$filename = sanitize_file_name(wpcf7_canonicalize($key."-".time().".png"));
Now we simply add a tag with suffix “-inline” to the form post data, containing the Base64 encoded image.
In the Email Template we use:
<img src="[signature-inline"] />
and the signature is being included on the HTML Email as embedded image without URL reference back to the server.
Maybe you can include this in your upcoming updates, so we can keep this. Also this may be helpful to other users. By having the signature embedded into the email we do not need to create a PDF or such, we simply print the email and have the right documentation with the signature on.