Infinite Scroll does not work for me on Firefox for Mobile 68.4.1 (for Android). I have no script optimization or caching plugins enabled. Jetpack is enabled, but Infinite Scroll in Jetpack is disabled.
When I set Infinite Scroll in the gallery to load “on click”, gallery items get reloaded just fine. When I set the same gallery to load “automatically”, it loads new gallery items either not at all or at most once.
With Chrome on the same handset it works as it should, as it does with Firefox on the desktop.
Anything I can configure to make this work?
]]>There seems to be an issue with the infinite scroll pagination due to version 1.0.7. It seems the pagination is screwed when it’s on auto scroll and the css is not applied for these pages. It seems to be due to the function.js file where the variables are not global anymore. Keeping the old version works. I have the latest version of twentythirteen.
]]>Setting – reading shows this:
We’ve changed this option to a click-to-scroll version for you since you have footer widgets in Appearance → Widgets, or your theme uses click-to-scroll as the default behavior.
I do not know what to do
Hopefully someone will have the time to make clear what need to happen, i tried the jetpack documentation but it did not connect
The infinite scroll works very well for a big browser width and the three column layout.
However, when I shrink the browser width or open the page on a mobile device, so that there are only one or two columns of posts, the infinite scroll doesn’t work. It leaves enough space for the posts at the bottom of the page, but doesn’t show them.
I tried it with the actual Safari, Chrome and Safari Mobile.
]]>My infinite scroll is working, it’s pulling in the next posts but the layout for all subsequent posts are messed up.
Does this not work with jQuery infinite scroll?
]]>Kindly refer below screenshot for more detail
Looks like this is an issue. Please let me know your input.
]]><script type=”text/javascript”>
var count = 2;
var total = <?php echo $wp_query->max_num_pages; ?>;
if ( jQuery(window).scrollTop() == jQuery(document).height() – jQuery(window).height()){
return false;
function loadMore(pageNumber){
url: “<?php bloginfo(‘wpurl’) ?>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php”,
data: “action=infinite_scroll&page_no=”+ pageNumber + ‘&loop_file=loop’,
success: function(html){
jQuery(“#content”).append(html); // This will be the div where our content will be loaded
return false;
function wp_infinitepaginate(){
if (!is_single() || !is_page()):
$loopFile = $_POST[‘loop_file’];
$paged = $_POST[‘page_no’];
$posts_per_page = get_option(‘posts_per_page’);
# Load the posts
query_posts(array(‘paged’ => $paged ));
get_template_part( ‘content’ );
Someone else asked this question a year ago with no answer (, and i am running into a similar issue:
Infinite Scrolling to a post with a Tiled Gallery seem to breaks the responsiveness of the gallery.
Any thoughts on how to fix this? Perhaps via a callback?
]]>I am new to this awesome JetPack plugin, and I have a hard time finding anything recent about how to incorporate IS with custom post types. Is this still not possible?