When we edit the shipping methods, all the prices are shown with the thousand separator (the dot).
If we change a value removing the thousand separator, the value get stored correctly.
But, if we change a value keeping the thousand separator and save, then the thousand separator is considered as a decimal separator and the amount gets rounded.
Here are a few captures from my testing site. To ensure no conflicts, I’m using the ‘Storefront’ theme and the only active plugins are Woocommerce and the one that provides the states names.
This are the currency options:
This is a Shipping method I want to modify. Values are shown with the thousand separator (the dot)
Current cart totals:
Where I’m saving the changes keeping the thousand separator.
This is what gets stored. The value got rounded to 2. The correct price should be 1900
For now we are editing all amount removing the separator.
Is there a way to make woocommerce not round the values? Or maybe just not show the thousand separator when editing a Shipping Method?
Thank you
]]>Site when logged out (public view)
Site when logged in (admin view in Elementor)
Since you do not reply to mails anymore, maybe you will help via this platform?
I have this notice:
[NOTICE] [3698113] [T0] [STDERR] wc_get_template was called incorrectly. <code>/home/***/domains/****/public_html/***/wp-content/plugins/woo-custom-stock-status/includes/woocommerce/cart/cart-item-data.php</code> does not excist. Backtrace: require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), do_action(‘template_redirect’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, WC_AJAX::do_wc_ajax, do_action(‘wc_ajax_update_order_review’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, WC_AJAX::update_order_review, woocommerce_order_review, wc_get_template, include(‘/plugins/woocommerce/templates/checkout/review-order.php’), do_action(‘woocommerce_review_order_before_cart_contents’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, XTS\Modules\Checkout_Order_Table->checkout_table_content_replacement, require_once(‘/themes/woodmart/inc/integrations/woocommerce/modules/checkout-order-table/templates/review-order-product-table.php’), wc_get_formatted_cart_item_data, wc_get_template, wc_doing_it_wrong. This message was added in version 2.1.\n
How to solve this?
]]>when i turn on the debug log, i see following php notices non-stop being generated by this plugin.
PHP Notice: is_singular was called incorrectly
PHP Notice: is_page was called incorrectly.
I saw someone reported the issue a year ago.
but I still do see the error keeps coming in.
Do you have any fix for that? how to stop this?
Please advise.
Thank you
]]>my problem is that all display windows of this type are showing incorrectly (see picture).
Have anyone an idea?
Thank you
]]>I know you’re aware of what it’s supposed to look like, but here’s a link of a random page that shows what it’s supposed to look like.
Here is the link to our page so you can see what ours looks like.
What do I need to do to fix it?