I have a feature idea to help people with website projects using version control or in general prefers to manage there theme styling using files.
If a child theme is active, an option to activate a auto-save mode would be great. That way users can use the site editor and the file editor at the same time.
Not sure if it should be a checkbox or a toggle between “DB-mode”/”file-mode” as a save target.
This would also be helpful to work with multisites. For example for multilingual websites that share a design the admin can work on the styling and templates and automatically the changes apply to all languages.
Also this would close the gap between people used to the classic way of managing themes via files and using block themes. Specially the html-templates with all the comments are very hard to do via code.
The pattern for now is prefixe + File-name +suffixe, this is great pattern.
But, is it possible to change the “File-name” to be the title of attached post title or a Woocommerce product title?
Also, it would be great if it support bulk rename image files by Wp-cli, so that we can rename image file name if the title of post or products are changed later on.
]]>For example: “Your wallet is not yeat configured.”
]]>I like the new Conditional Content Block. To make it even better I would like to see a condition “completed this lesson”.
To provide some content inside of a lesson to the students after they have successfully completed the quiz or marked the lesson as completed.
Or is there a way to do it already, that i have missed.
I used code below, but it is not much elegant:
add_action('ninja_table_js_config', function($tableArray, $filter){
foreach ( $tableArray['columns'] as &$setting_column ){
$setting_column['link_target'] = '_blank" rel="nofollow';
return $tableArray;
}, 10, 2);
consider adding an option to column setting.
]]>Is there a way to duplicate one of my exciting links I created already.
I miss this function inside this section.
Because of my use of Hashtags in my post titles in need to overwrite some parts of the theme with a child theme.
That’s perfectly fine.
After the 1.09 update my site was suddently without styles. Becuase the theme loads the stylesheet for the stylesheet_uri.
I suggest to load the style.css fiel via tempalte_uri. This way my empty styles.css fiel from child theme doesn’t get loaded, because it’s not needed, I just want to overwrite a php tempalte.
Nice to have:
Would like to see a cache busting for the theme styles that is bind to the theme version not the to WP Version.
What do you think?
We installed your plugin on our site and now get a lot of SEO warnings, because the headline “Buy me a cup of coffee” from the plugin is wrapped in H1 tags if the promt is shown via shortcode or as modal.
You can also see this on your own demo page.
Widgets seam not be effected.
This is not good.
Would love to see this fixed : )
I was speed testing our application today and found that your plugin load its assets on all admin pages no matter if it’s required.
We are running our application for a team with a variety of capabilities and bandwidth.
Therefore your plugin is wasting bandwidth and slows down the admin interface.
Would love to see a check with in the enqueue_admin_scripts() method if the assets should be loaded. At least just load them on the options screen and terms add and edit views. Like:
function enqueue_admin_scripts () {
// Get current view
$current_screen = get_current_screen();
// Check if assets are needed
switch ( $current_screen->base ) {
case 'term':
case 'edit-tags':
case 'settings_page_category-icon':
wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_slug . '-admin-style', plugins_url( 'assets/css/category-icon.css', __FILE__ ), array(), $this->version );
wp_enqueue_script( $this->plugin_slug . '-admin-script', plugins_url( 'assets/js/category-icon.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery' ), $this->version );
wp_localize_script( $this->plugin_slug . '-admin-script', 'locals', array(
'ajax_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' )
) );
If you want you could also check if the current taxonomy needs it. Would be even sleeker