Sorry if this reads off-topic or like a rant (which it is), but how do those manufacturers dare to charge money for their software? I would like to upgrade my customer’s site to the block editor and full-site editing, which seems like the lesser evil now, but I fear that’s not supported by Impreza theme and might make the existing site worse.
Questions: What’s the recommended alternative to Bakery, and what is the best practice to upgrade a site like that to a more maintainable state, without breaking the existing content and style? Is there a migration tool from WPBakery to Gutenberg?
]]>I’m having an issue installing a theme called Impreza which I purchased from themeforest. When I go to upload the theme’s zip file on the dashboard, it gets stuck in the process of uploading. After about 5 minutes of loading, the wordpress dashboard times out and I get an error message.
To be clear, I’m in the WP dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme > Chose Theme Zip File > Install Now – and then it gets stuck loading.
I was wondering if anyone could help resolve this issue.
1) I cannot add a whishlist button to the product grid
2) The wishlist page does not incoporate button styles. They look awful with 0 padding. I can’t even fix this with custom CSS
3) The entire backend is broken:
Has anyone else had these issues with Impreza theme
]]>ich bin dabei einen Shop für meine Firma aufzusetzen. Bisher habe ich immer mit dem Thema “Impreza” gearbeitet und habe damit sehr gute Erfahrungen gemacht.
Bei einigen Problemen rund um Germanized hei?t es, man solle doch ein Standardthema installieren und prüfen. Das hei?t, es sollte ja vielleicht sowas wie Erfahrungswerte geben, ob manche Themes Germanized-vertr?glich sind oder nicht. Kann mir da jemand was sagen zu Impreza? Angeblich ist das eines der meistgenutzten kostenpflichtigen Themes. Benutzt das jemand mit WooComm und Germanized? Oder hat jemand damit Probleme gehabt?
Viele Grü?e
Frontend (With Upsolution Core Plugin Active):
Frontend (After deactivated the Upsolution Core Plugin):
Any help would be appriciated.
Frontend (With Upsolution Core Plugin Active):
Frontend (After deactivated the Upsolution Core Plugin):
Any help would be appriciated.
]]>When doing the translations from portuguese to english, spanish or french, in the “Portfolio” category, the filters appear correctly translated (they were manually translated), but when seeing the page on it’s original language, portuguese, when the filters for the catalog appear, the filter related to “all” is not translated, and there’s no chance for us to do so. -> this is the standart, the Portuguese version. As you see, on the filters, all the other filters are correct, with the exception of the “All” one. It should show “Todos” -> In French it shows “Tous” -> in English shows “All” -> in spanish shows “Todo”
I believe it has something to do with “slugs”, but I’m also unable to find why is that in Portuguese only shows “All” and not “Todos”…
The theme we are using is Impreza…
Can you help, please?
]]>Estoy utilizndo Impreza como tema, WP bakery page builder para la construcción de la página.
]]>We have a little problem with your wishlist plugin and i would like to ask you for help on:
On this website we want to use YITH Wishlist, and it works quite good so far for the initial loaded products. But if you scroll down, and the “load more with scroll option” happens, or if you filter the products, The YITH icons (heart on the bottom left of the image) won’t load on the new items
I already had a quick chat with the tamplate guys / Impreza and they said, quote:
“It means that the Wishlist plugin doesn’t work with AJAX out of the box. Please contact the author of the plugin and ask them to investigate the issue, they should provide a solution for you.”
Do you have any idea to solve this?
Thanks and best regards
]]>I see no search results in WordPress front-end search.
Here are my theme’s search.php files:
When I use Query Monitor I see 11 calls to WP_Query->get_posts().
Is there an issue with my theme or is my issue elsewhere?