I actually managed quite good to import Users to new website , except one problem.
If there are “same name Users” with different e-mail address, the plug in ignore all line User detail and import only one of them.
For example, if there is 3 separate “Adam named User” and all of them have different e-mail address , the plug in is importing only one of Adam , and two other same named User lines ignore.
Is there a way to fix this ? I actually need only to import “user names and e-mail address” , no need for passwords or etc.
]]>We have several sites that are identical – same plugins, themes, setup, config, etc.
Except users.
People “join” at our central site, but we want to add users to the other sites (export then import) so they can access/use them as well.
All the sites use the s2member membership plugin (free version) which basically integrates into WordPress users database, with just extra meta data for more user roles. (i.e., does not create different tables for managing user accounts)
So we need user extended meta data to be exported & imported
Question is
1) Do you have sites that use s2member plugin using your plugin?
2) have you ever tested the plugin with s2member sites?
And a side question – how would you handle a case when has an account on 2 sites, with same email address but has DIFFERENT usernames, and want the import to update the same user properly.
Joe C
Can I do that with your plugin?
If yes, what meta key do I need to use to introduce it in csv in first row of this new column?
And also what value I need to introduce to all users to upload them as PENDING STATUS?
NOTE: I am using BUDDYPRESS, but I think it will not afect nothing about how to make that. Correct?
]]>Thank you very much for this great plugin.
Everything works fine, just a question re. password column.
If I import the users from csv file that mixed content with both new and existing users, and the csv file has “password” column empty, what happen to existing user’s password? are they changed? I supposed it’ll not be changed, as per documentation.
For those existing users, what will be displayed if I use **password** token?
Thank you
]]>I want to import member from a CSV file.
I use the pmpro-import-users-from-csv plugin like it’s explained here https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/add-ons/plus-add-ons/pmpro-import-users-csv/
To use this plugin I need another one :
like it’s explained on the same page at the beginning
This plugin is out of updated since more than 2 years.
And I can’t install it directly from WP.
So I dowload it by FTP.
After I use the csv template file to create the users.
But When I run the process, no user is added
And the error reports is empty.
How can I fix it, please ?
Pending your replies.
]]>I want to import member from a CSV file.
I use the pmpro-import-users-from-csv plugin like it’s explained here https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/add-ons/plus-add-ons/pmpro-import-users-csv/
To use this plugin I need another one :
like it’s explained on the same page at the beginning
This plugin is out of updated since more than 2 years.
And I can’t install it directly from WP.
So I dowload it by FTP.
After I use the csv template file to create the user.
But When I run the process, no user is added
And the error reports is empty.
How can I fix it, please ?
Pending your replies.
]]><wp:author><wp:author_login>newuser</wp:author_login><wp:author_display_name><![CDATA[newuser]]></wp:author_display_name><wp:author_email>[email protected]</wp:author_email><wp:author_first_name><![CDATA[new]]></wp:author_first_name><wp:author_last_name><![CDATA[user]]></wp:author_last_name></wp:author>
I traced this to line 355 of the wordpress-importer.php when the function wp_create_user is called for all _POST[‘user_new’].
This function can take an email but this isn’t specified.
I rather want the function wp_insert_user to be called in this case which also takes first and last name.
Can this approach be changed whenever such wp:author blocks are available in the import?
[ No bumping please. ]
]]>how can I import more than two custom_usermeta?
We have to import four custom_usermeta fields which I already created with Register Plus Redux. It’s the address of our customers with street, ZIP, City and Country Data but it seems I can only import two custom_usermeta fields.
My .csv Testdata:
"user_login","user_email","user_pass","first_name","last_name","display_name","role","rpr_strasse_und_hausnummer","rpr_plz", "rpr_ort", "rpr_land"
"johndoe", "[email protected]", ,"John","Doe","John Doe","subscriber","Teststreet 4","8157","Dielsdorf", "Switzerland"
"janedoe", "[email protected]", ,"Jane","Doe","Jane Doe","subscriber","Teststreet 400","8000","Zürich", "Switzerland"
"Frankpoe", "[email protected]", ,"Frank","Poe","Frank Poe","subscriber","Teststreet 40900","8060","Somewhere", ""
“rpr_strasse_und_hausnummer” and “rpr_plz” are imported.
“rpr_ort” and “rpr_land” are not.