I followed your suggestion but if I remove the nav_menu_locations See screenshot https://prnt.sc/n7id4k the file is not read and does not import all settings
Do you have some advice?
thanks a lot
]]>I made a backup by “tools->export(all)” before I tested some fonts plugin. Later on I decided to recover, in tools->import, I chose “wordpress”, and after importing(only once), I got double menus in header —– one logo image but two menus, it looks like:
This is the first time I do an import. Did I do something wrong?
]]>I am just wondering if there is someway we can create an export file which also includes menu instructions so that when we do the import , the twentyten menu is already set up?
Any other ideas?
Many Thanks!
]]>i like wordpress………..
i have one website with joomla + wordpress.
joomla is for company detail and wordpress for blog section.
both are in 11 languages.
in the joomla system i was use joomfish, now i want to import all main menu translated name in wordpress main menu.
have a look joomla system is https://new [dot] dolphin [dot] therapy [dot] org.
blog system is https://new [dot] dolphin [dot] therapy [dot] org./blog
for ex. if i am in joomla system DE language i can see joomla translated menu in de language.
now i am going to wordpress system(blog), there are only i can see english (default) main menu, when i want to see in DE language or other languages then still its disply english menu while i want to import current blog language menu from joomla system.
so how can i import any one have a idia?
thanks in advanced.
sanjay pansuriya
skype : nvinfotech