We have been using short.io as our link shortening service with our short domain.
We now want to make this short domain our main domain which means we need to embed link shortening into our WordPress site. Your plug-in looks really good, so we are thinking of installing and enabling it. To complete that process, we would love to find a quick way to import our 300 or so existing short links.
Do you know of a method to migrate all our existing short links from short.io into your plug-in?
Any advice appreciated.
Kind regards,
C Malcolm
Our website is not having any kind of link cloaking facility, we have affiliate links almost everywhere, from the product’s “Buy” button to the blog posts. Most of the Blogposts have about >50 links. How can we use Thirsty Affiliates to cloak all existing affiliate links (>1000 links)? Kindly assists us to know whether this is possible, and how it can be done?
Kind regards,
Our website is not having any kind of link cloaking facility, we have affiliate links almost everywhere, from the product’s “Buy” button to the blog posts. Most of the Blogposts have about >50 links. How can we use pretty links to cloak all existing affiliate links (>1000 links)? Kindly assists us to know whether this is possible, and how it can be done?
Kind regards,
However, I’m trying to assign those links to multiple Categories but I’m not sure if it’s possible. A comma-separated list of category names doesn’t work. Is this possible?
]]>I see how to export a file of the links. How do I import them into another WP install?
Thank you
]]>Next using the My Links plug-in I went to order the links in the categories and in two of the five categories, there are duplicate of the links (from the Import Links attempts that “didn’t work”) I can’t seem to find where the duplicates are to delete them, since they aren’t in wp_links and I don’t find any apparent reference in any of the tables.
Any suggestions on where My Links is finding the duplicate data?