The Flash file (imagerotator.swf) which drives the Flash slideshow in NextGEN Gallery’s Basic Slideshow display type had a security vulnerability come to the surface.
Unfortunately the file in question is a 3rd party file, which we do not have control over. In addition, the original developer of the Flash file no longer supports it, so updating the file wasn’t a possibility.
Please update to NextGEN Gallery version or later as soon as possible.
For the full details on this matter please see our article posted here:
We believe we have created a graceful fallback for those users that have chosen to use the flash slideshow option (it should now appear as a standard jQuery slideshow).
If you have any questions or additional concerns please create a new support topic so we can address your specific issue.
Please do not comment on this topic as it is meant as an announcement only.
The Photocrati Team.
]]>I would like to implement a slideshow in nextgen. I’ve downloaded jwplayer.flash.swf from and I’ve uploaded in /wp-content/uploads, however it doesn’t work. Under options/plugin it searches for a file called Imagerotator. I’ve tried to change the file name but it still didn’t work (it keeps loading)
I’ve done following:
1. changed the file name in options/slideshow
2. changed the filename on the server
3. used firefox and ie
4. stored jwplayer.flash.swf under /wp-conten/plugin/Next-gen gallery/
5. changed access rights
but still not working. It displays the pictures allery but does not start the slideshow. Does anybody have an idea?
Thanks for your help
Best regards
]]>I inserted in swfobject.php a single line in the javascript() function (at line 125) before the $this->js .= $this->embedSWF; :
$this->js .= "\n try { this.flashvars.width = this.flashvars.width* (screen.deviceXDPI/96.0); this.flashvars.height = this.flashvars.height* (screen.deviceYDPI/96.0); } catch (e) {};\n";
So the function now is:
function javascript () {
//Build javascript
$this->js = "\nvar " . $this->id . " = {\n";
$this->js .= $this->add_js_parameters('params', $this->params) . ",\n";
$this->js .= $this->add_js_parameters('flashvars', $this->flashvars) . ",\n";
$this->js .= $this->add_js_parameters('attr', $this->attributes) . ",\n";
$this->js .= "\tstart : function() {" . "\n\t\t";
$this->js .= "\n try { this.flashvars.width = this.flashvars.width* (screen.deviceXDPI/96.0); this.flashvars.height = this.flashvars.height* (screen.deviceYDPI/96.0); } catch (e) {};\n";
$this->js .= $this->embedSWF;
$this->js .= "\t}\n}\n";
$this->js .= $this->id . '.start();';
return $this->js;
So now the images are correcty displayed, when I change the zoom level, but only after a refresh or a navigation action.
Is there any better solution?
]]>I followed other closed comments advising to load imagerotator.swf to >uploads directory and specified path under slideshow tab. That invoked the default 000000 screen color which I changed to FFFFFF, but I still get only the endlessly rotating icon, slideshow does not work.
Any suggestions?
]]>I have seen solutions for this elsewhere…ie:
all this and more but still my slideshow is not finding the images in the gallery.
I am running WP 3.0.1 and the latest NextGen Gallery and imagerotator.
here is a page with the slideshow which was working until a couple of weeks ago:
thank you for any help…I am stumped.
]]>I found one example here Where can I get the captions template file?
It would be great to be able to manipulate the titles and descriptions with css. Possible?
Do I have to do this with a playlist? I had hoped to avoid a playlist so that everything could be done during image upload in the Nextgen Gallery plugin.
Any resources, tips, GREATLY appreciated.
There is e extra page “sildeshow” for these tests.
Die Path to the .swf is correct (an it load) but then die Sildeshow doesn’t load the picktures.
What a already have checked:
– <?php wp_head(); ?> is includes
– Path to .swf is correct
– try using the old imagerotator.swf (without logo)
– XMl-Path is correct
I wonder a little bit about
file : "","
Does any one have an Idea?
Here more detailed Infos:
<div class="swfobject" id="so44_1" style="width:320px; height:240px;">
<p>Es wird der <a href="">Adobe Flash Player</a> ben?tigt und <a href="">im Browser muss Javascript</a> aktiviert sein..</p>
<script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">
var so44_1 = {
params : {
wmode : "opaque",
allowfullscreen : "true",
bgcolor : "#000000"},
flashvars : {
file : "",
shownavigation : "false",
showicons : "false",
rotatetime : "10",
transition : "fade",
backcolor : "0x000000",
frontcolor : "0xFFFFFF",
lightcolor : "0xCC0000",
width : "320",
height : "240"},
attr : {
styleclass : "slideshow",
name : "so44"},
start : function() {
swfobject.embedSWF("", "so44_1", "320", "240", "7.0.0", false, this.flashvars, this.params , this.attr );
XML (seems fine)
<playlist version=”1″>
<title>IMG_0329 Kopie</title>
<location> Kopie.jpg
It loads OK, but it won’t pull any images. I checked the XML output generated by imagerotator.php (located in /nextgen-gallery/xml), and it’s also OK, but the Flash player shows all black with the loading icon in the center.
I supposed that the XML output wouldn’t be correctly passed to the Flash rotator, but I tried different options editing nggfunctions.php (I even passed the full URL to a static XML file), and it still won’t work.
I’m using NextGEN 1.4.3 over WPMU
Any ideas?