As expressed here repeatedly and frequently, the whole point of the ability to send out e-mail newsletters from within WordPress, is to send posts as updates. (What else?) You should, and mostly do, leave it to us for deciding how much of each post — or, in many if not most cases, the whole post — will be delivered. Especially if it’s the whole post, your stubbornness to prevent text wrapping around left- or right-justified images, is totally baffling. The most you’ve said is that e-mail clients don’t honor text wrapping around images. This is 100% false, a total fabrication. It might not look perfect to you, but it ALWAYS works. And anyway, you are making a subjective judgment about “prettiness,” when the respectable thing to do, is simply offer your users the option to faithfully word wrap text around images, just as they appear in commonplace WordPress posts.
And anyway, what’s the alternative? Pretend like WordPress posts never wrap text around images? Then YOU look bad, for generating e-mails that don’t represent WordPress posts accurately (and it looks like you created the bugs).
AGAIN, just because you’ve seen occasional evidence of e-mails not faithfully wrapping text around images, doesn’t mean you should arbitrarily take away that choice from your paying customers.
Finally, at last, bring back the ONE feature that makes your service worse than its competition. You almost won the war; this stupid petty battle is blowing it for you. Remember: you used to offer this feature, easily, in version 2. Don’t be temperamental; just restore it. Will take you a few minutes of easy coding/restoration.
]]>I would like to increase the space between a left or right aligned image and the text wrapped around it.
The text is too close to the edge of the image.
I’ve tried several different rules, but nothing is working.
]]>I am using WordPress 4.9.4 running Minamaze Pro theme.
I often have some short sections of text separated by headings. I have inserted images associated with some of those headings. If the images are vertically longer than the text, I end up with a big gap between headings because the next heading comes after the image. I would like consecutive headings to wrap around the image and connect with the preceding text. For example, in the page I show as having the problem, you can see a big blank space before the heading “Echinoderms”. I would like this to be wrapped around the picture, under the text for “Cephalopods”, using the same vertical spacing as between “Fish” and “Cephalopods”.
I sense this has something to do with divs or blocks, but I am a beginning WP user and would be grateful for some guidance on how to clean this up.
]]>I’m trying to build some content for my blog but I’m having trouble with text wrapping around image – it doesn’t correctly do so. In addition, when I add a caption, it looks very weird.
Any ideas? Link here:
]]>Hello –
I’m looking to make the following changes to the layout of this page;
Keep Product images to the left
– Keep Product Summary to the right
–But have product summary wrap around the Product images.
In other words, I don’t want the product summary to fill up only the right hand column. I want the over-flow to be full-width of the page, under the Product Images.
How can I do this?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Is there a way of making the area you edit the post in the same width as the final post?
When i add images, and then wrap test, the final result looks nothing like it did when i had it in the editor.
I would like it to match so that when i am composing a post, i know exactly where the text will wrap etc.
Help appreciated
I’d like to insert an illustrated image wrap around each of my posts, each time it would be different, so I’d be uploading a new set of images for each post.
my best guess non-technical solution would be to create a table inside each post and have the first row be a long skinny image, and the text, and another row that would be an image that would run the width of the table.
Does anyone know of a theme or plugin that has this idea built in, or any ideas of how to make it work?
]]>All was looking good until I tried inserting an image into a post, as you can see the text will not wrap….
I have tried all the various methods described in other posts, including the plugin ‘Image Pro’ with absolutely no luck.
I am unsure (with my limited knowledge) if it is my site .css that is causing the problem or the Twenty Ten (adjusted) version.
Any help would really be appreciated.