when i upload a image named “impur.png” in cloud it is like
impur.png 100*100
impur.png 300*300 like multiple images are getting uploaded of same file
i have uncheck multiple plugins, also i have checked on new install version of WordPress with just offload media plugin still problem exist
as my blog is image based, this is quite a problem. It may be largely an Apple problem as a user with an IPhone also reported the problem. But another subscriber has just got the same problem on her lap top, which I don’t think is Apple.
]]>I haven’t changed any settings.
I’ve tried adding smaller images, but it doesn’t make any difference.
This is driving me mad so I would be very grateful if anyone can work out how to put it right!
Thank you in advance.
]]><figure class=”wp-block-image aligncenter size-full”></figure>
For Example (blog link):
Now, the problem is that when i click the image, it doesn’t show clickable link in the total image area. Only show the clickable link below the image area.
N.B: the question is:
Why the total image area is not clickable. Kindly Need solution please.
Waiting for helpful feedback. Thanks
]]>Good morning. We have installed your plugin to get the feeds from external site. Feeds pulled from the external site successfully but without image. Could you pls tell us how to get feeds with the image?
]]>data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22 on the base website. Which it isn’t it is a simple </img> and even when I add media sources for other lanuages they are shown in the TranslatePress UI but not on the actual website.
Since then, I tried a gallery on my site with that image and I got an error telling me that I don’t have access to that page when I clicked on the “Sort images” button. Deleting that image fixed it.
I am bringing this to your attention partly out of curiosity and partly to alert you that a strange problem exists. What quality of an image could cause this problem? Would you like to see the image?
For information, his site has NGG and the Pro version installed; my site has only NGG.