We’d like to use themify built popups via the Image Pro sidewide in the same look + feel instead of a mashup of Image Pro lightbox and Themify Popup via shortcode.
Great looking pluggin but doesn’t seem to work with my set up. Firstly thumbs in “Available Images” pane all seem to load as transparent .pngs so can’t see anything (see screenshot1). Secondly when dragging the image into the document a link is add (to phpThumb.php) rather than the image (see screenshot2).
WordPress Version 3.5.1
Plugins installed: See screenshot3
PHP Version 5.3.23
Server OS Linux
Browsers tested:
Chrome Version 26.0.1410.65
Safari 6.04
Firefox 21
OS: Mac OSX v10.8.3
Thanks for any help!
]]>:12 UTC] PHP Warning: shell_exec(): Unable to execute ‘C:/ImageMagick/convert.exe –version 2>&1’ in C:\Inetpub\somepath\wp-content\plugins\image-pro-wordpress-image-media-management-and-resizing-done-right\src\thumb\phpthumb.functions.php on line 474
What wrong here? – I got a ton of there in the php error log..
Is ImageMagic needed for the plug-in or what? Kind of weird behavior..
By the way – I’m on IIS6 / Windows 2003 server.. So I’m not using Linux/Apache
]]>Can you help on that please thanks.
]]>I’m using the latest version of WP with Suffusion theme; I have ImagePro installed and don’t think I need it now I’ve seen NextGEN.
Please could someone advise as to whether I need to delete Image Pro before installing NextGen, or deactivate Image Pro then install NextGEN then delete?
And is it correct Jetpack may conflict with NextGEN? If so, would I need to delete all of Jetpack too, or just deactivate Carousel?
I’d appreciate your advice. Many thanks.
]]>Image Pro log shows that
“/home/xxxxxxx/webapps/tcr_sandbox/sandbox/wp-content/plugins/image-pro-wordpress-image-media-management-and-resizing-done-right/src/thumb/../view/img/notfound.gif” does not exist
The correct path is /home/xxxxxxx/webapps/tcr_sandbox/wp-content/plugins/image-pro-wordpress-image-media-management-and-resizing-done-right/src/thumb/../view/img/notfound.gif”
Note the the portion of the url containing “sandbox” is ommited in the “real” directory on the host server.
The value of “sandbox” is included because it is in the query string:(i.e. https://xxxxxxx.net/sandbox/wp-content/plugins/image-pro-wordpress-image-media-management-and-resizing-done-right/src/thumb/phpThumb.php?src=/sandbox/wp-content/uploads/xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-4942.jpg&w=80&h=60&q=95
Where can I patch the Image Pro code (or set a config item) so that the “sandbox” portion of the query string is filtered out?
]]>PHP Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\image-pro-wordpress-image-media-management-and-resizing-done-right\src\paths\default.php on line 140
I am using WordPress 3.4.1, IIS 7, MySQL 5.5 , and PHP 5.4.4, and Firefox.
Can you help me?
]]>That begin said, I immediately noticed a few issues upon logging in:
filesize() stat failed for /src/request/getimages.php on line 35
) when it comes upon a files like .ZIP, .MP3, .EXE, etc.Those things aside, I again express that this plugin has a great deal of potential, and I truly appreciate all of the author’s time & effort on it. Looking forward to the next version!