I hop eyou can help me. I recently was trying to redesign my homepage (whihc I thought was pretty simple looking – compared to most) but its not dispalying anything correctly despite looking good on the backend in both desktop and mobile view.
I have a hero image – 1200 wide with some text overlay, because the text is white i wanted a black background behind the text so i could use the opacity function to darken the image so the text would be more prominent. On WordPress editor it looks great. on prview, the text is opaue and on live (desktop and mobile the image is completely missing). Ive got screenshots of the different screens to show you what i mean (but not sure how to attached them here. Ive tried multiple mobile devices and only on one device does it show the image but then other items arent displaying properly.
Im not sure what im doing wrong Ive watched some tutorials to no avail.
I’d love to learn what the issue is and what im doing wrong – I look forward to hearing from you!
]]>Unfortunately after turning off the site accelerator function all my images, featured images are shown again.
The original image is for example https://hangdala.hu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Hangdala-cel-1.jpg
The image from wp.com is this: https://i0.wp.com/hangdala.hu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Hangdala-cel-1.jpg
Wp.com creates this from my image: https://i0.wp.com/hangdala.hu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Hangdala-cel-1.jpg?fit=940%2C788&ssl=1
It https://i0.wp.com/hangdala.hu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Hangdala-cel-1.jpg?fit=940%2C788&ssl=1 gives the error status code (400) Without the appendage ?fit=940%2C788&ssl=1 it is working:
I can get rid off of these appendages if I turn off the “speed up image load times” in Site Accelerator. But then my website metrix become vey bad!
So Image Load Times speeding up is a good thing, but only without the appendages similar to ?fit=940%2C788&ssl=1
Actually the problem is caused by the &ssl=1 appendage. The image without this appendage is working: https://i0.wp.com/hangdala.hu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Hangdala-cel-1.jpg?fit=940%2C788
Is there a solution to get rid off these harming appendages, i.e. &ssl=1?
Even the link https://i0.wp.com/hangdala.hu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Hangdala-cel-1.jpg?fit=940%2C788&ssl is working, but as soon as there is an = there, the image link is broken.
Thanks for your help!
]]>1. I’m thinking about moving from yoast to RankMath.
Can you confirm that RankMath is generating the correct sitemaps when users have the latest version of WPBakery (6.6.0) installed?
At the moment yoast doesn’t include images on posts/pages/portfolio items when the images are within WPBakery content blocks in the sitemap which leads to seemingly thin pages and penalties on google.
2. Can I import every setting, including posts/pages/portfolio items’ SEO title and meta description that I set up in yoast to MathRank?
]]>Do you have a solution please ??
thank you in advance
We’re having an issue where the src on images are not being set correctly.
Everything is right in the back-end and the images are correctly defined, but after saving we take a look at the front-end and the images doesn’t appear and the src is like this:
<img src="55932" alt="55932" width="200" height="200" />
What can we do to fix this? We already tried to remove/replace the images and the error still remains.
Looking forward your help on this issue. Thank you.
Page links:
I can see the image when in edit mode in Elementor. But when I go to the main website, it is not visible to me.
Please help!