I created a new ad and selected Rich Content ad type I then saved it as draft after selecting the other appropriate options. I used the insert ad media and used a file that was already uploaded. See screenshot
As you can see from the attachment details the image is 600 x 84. When I click the button to insert into post the image is shrunk to 1/2 the size. Here is the text of that inserted image.
<p><a href="https://www.thefrugallife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/frr_dog_cat_food.png"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-3493" src="https://www.thefrugallife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/frr_dog_cat_food-300x42.png" alt="frr_dog_cat_food" width="300" height="42" /></a></p>
Is there a way to get it to be inserted into the post full size?
I changed it manually on the site but the images lack the crispness they have before using your inserter. The same ads outside of your program are at https://www.thefrugallife.com/smf/index.php
My domain name is https://www.thefrugallife.com and you can see them on the home page they are in an ad rotation.
]]>I don’t know whether this is relevant but when I try to upload the images, after clicking browse for the image and clicking on the image that I want, there’s no “insert into post” button although that’s what the instructions say farther up the page. There’s only an “Insert” button, although this doesn’t seem to do anything.
Any help would be appreciated.
to see the problem:
I compared the code that was being created by WordPress in both situations.
While in the Visual Editor, it inserts this code:
<a href="https://the_original_image_URL"><img class="size-medium wp-image-1254" title="The Image Title Here" src="https://theoriginalimageURL-300x180.jpg" alt="The Alt Label Here" width="300" height="180" /></a> The caption here.
While in the HTML Editor, it inserts this code:
<a href="https://the_original_image_URL"><img src="https://the_original_image_URL-300x180.jpg" alt="The Alt Label Here" title="The Image Title Here" width="300" height="180" class="size-medium wp-image-1254" /></a>
Clearly, there is a difference in how the code information is written. In the second–the one that displays the image correctly–the Caption Attribute is inside the opening shortcode tag. In the other, it is not. Everything else seems to be the same–attributes are in a different order, but that shouldn’t change anything.
Not only is the whacky code created while inserting images in the Visual Editor, but if the Visual Editor is used at ANY time to edit an existing post with images already in it, it will change the code there, too, and none of the images will display properly.
What the heck is going on???
I can easily go in and adjust the code to make the images display the way they are supposed to, but the clients I set the theme up for are not code-saavy. They need these WYSIWYG functions to work properly. That’s the whole point of creating a WordPress site for them—ease of editing without a great deal of code knowledge.
Here’s a link to a sample page, showing the problem:
Any ideas anyone?
[Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. As it stands, your code may now have been permanently damaged/corrupted by the forum’s parser.]
]]>I don’t get why WP gives me only three options for posting a full-aspect image in my blog. I have Original, Large or Medium. Or thumbnail.
What if I want to use an image smaller than medium, for example? If I just go changing the width and height (or if I can’t be bothered to work out the height, just the width and delete the height completely) it resizes the image from what it was and everything seems to look okay, but am I screwing something up that I can’t see? And how does it play with the wp-image-xxxx
and size-medium/size-large
class tags that accompany the image insertion code?
]]>class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-1006"
I understand what alignleft does, and I dug around and found references to size-medium in the CSS for my theme. I understand it appears depending on what size you pick in the image insert tool.
But what does the wp-image-XXXX bit do or refer to? The numbers appear to be different for every image and I can’t work out what the correlation is, or the importance.
The reason I’m asking is I’m trying to set up Marsedit to do my posts as I really don’t like the idea of needing an internet connection to post. I’ve been setting up the markup for inserting images and that last little bit of ‘class’ is throwing a spanner in my works. Removing it doesn’t *seem* to make any difference, but I can’t believe it’s there just for pretties. It must have a purpose – what is it?
]]>I was wondering if someone would be willing to do a test for me on their server.
Make a new draft post and upload at least 50 images to it, and then try to insert the last image into the post.
With my install the image won’t insert, but if someone would be willing to test this on their server, it would help me know if it is a problem with my server, or if there is a bug in WordPress.