It would be better if WordPress generated sizes only when needed instead all regenraring in all registered sizes? While AVIF and WebP formats are nice steps forward, they don’t fully address the existing issues. We need more modern approach to image regeneration and cropping. Features like content-aware cropping, which ensures people and important objects are cropped correctly, would be fantastic. WordPress still doesn’t support on-demand image size generation natively. It would be great if this feature could be implemented natively to help users optimize storage usage while reducing clutter for unused and unnecessary sizes.
Has anyone heard of any updates or new features that might address this? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences from the communicty!
]]>I hope that wordpress core devs and Woocommerce Devs and Admins will see it and respond and please explain why why why is it so?
wordpress is now a total monster when it comes to images.
In combination WordPress + Woocommerce + Most premium Themes there can often be 10 OR more different image sizes getting auto generated when a post/page/product is created.
WordPress has 4 sizes..
woocommercer adds another 3 sizes
Most premium themes add several additional sizes of their own
As an example the Enfold theme by kriesi adds its own 12 additional image sizes.
I understand why these are added for the Main Featured Image what I do not understand is why all these image sizes are generated regardless of where the original image being recreated is used..
What I dont understand is why every image in every post type generates every one of those sizes..
I mean why do we need the woocommmerce sizes generated for images found only within a post or page?
Why do we need all the post/page/prtfolio etc images sizes for a product image that will only every load in woocommerce page and widgets?
This is a core problem that is being ignored by both wordpress and woocommerce
it is complete madness to generate all image sizes for post types when 90% of them will never be used.
it is just insanity creating all and every image size for all and every post type..
but the insanity really explodes if you add multiple images into a post/page/product..
OK its a problem having all the unused unnecessary images but understandable why they are being generated for the MAIN FEATURED IMAGE, the featured image is the one that will be used in widgets, thumbnails, Gallery and other locations etc etc
BUT Why oh why does wordpress/woocommerce generate all of the extra image sizes for every single other image in a post as well as the main featured image?
With woocommerce and a theme like Enfold installed for some reason I have 23 total image sizes in my site..
So we should be able to expect that the worst case scenario is that one of the images (the first image or main featured image will have 23 different sizes created that will be taking up space in the hosting server and that image generation process is going to cause considerable resource ussage on initial post save.
This is extremely wasteful..
But it get worse..
A lot worse
There is absolutely no need to generate any additional sizes for additional images that are found in the main body of a post or page or product description..
But by deafault wordpress DOES generate all of those sizes for all images in a post
so in a post/page or woo product that has 10 total images in the description , the first one we can consider the main image or “featured image”
we will get 230 total images generated (23 size versions for each of the 10 images) !!!
Wordpress Woocommerce Admins Please address this madness.
additional body images should not have ANY additional sizes generated.
they will never be called anywhere, they are in the post body so why?
this is causing so many problems
If it creates 23 image for the first image only that will be 500 X 23 = 11500
then there would be 9 more images per post 9×500=4500
so worst case scenario should be 16000 (if it was restricted to just the first image getting multiplied)
that is IF the core was making sure NOT to generate those extra images..
But the reality is that a woocommerce site using a premium theme like Enfold with 500 products in it and 10 images per product will generate 115,000 images!
that is just pure INSANITY!
and it really hurts if you bulk add products…
When will the ADMINS and DEVS at WordPress and Woocommerce address this crital issue..
It is a huge and major flaw but nobody seems to really want to deal with it.
often when there are issues related to images theme developers or wordpress forum admins throw around oh just use the “Regenerate Thumbs” or “Simple Image Sizes” plugins and regenerate your thumbnails. .
Either they are totally unaware of the implications or they just don’t care if regenerating thumbs with those plugins Takes your server down..
so if you have that 500 product store with 10 images per product page you just ordered your server to create 125000 images right now so at best case its going to take quite a while to complete but more than likely even on a high end dedicated server you can expect your CPU and memory to hit 100% and crash your server guys, better hope your not on a shared server or you can kiss your account goodbye until you ring and beg your host to unban your account.
and good luck trying to successfully run asnd download a site backup!
too many innodes anybody?
please wordpress admins and devs fix this insanity.
Every wordpress user should be worried and concerned about this issue and should be demanding that it be addressed.
surely its not a hard issue to fix!
first of all make sure that those extra images are only for the designated featured image and NOT every single additional image in every single post type.
OK, Rant over.. I just hope it gets heard.
]]>Images and galleries are not handled like the current editor. Sizes don’t match. Positioning does not match.
The code produced does not match the code in the teaser post.
Link to “attachment page” does not work, or does not show lightbox page.
The edit options are not intuitive. Image size specifications are in pixels, however the generated posts are scaled to the column or page width (and in one of my tests to some other inscrutable size).
I would be happy to go over details with anyone and lend a hand.
]]>1. The absurdly frequent auto-save makes the job helplessly intermittent and unstable. The page several times freezes.
2. You cannot CTRL+V an image subscription. The pasted value gets to another location of the post.
3. When you scroll up during the editing work, the top disappears, contrary to the last good known versions. It makes the editing very slow, because, unfortunately, you have to switch to the editing mode too frequently.
4. You are simply unable to handle an image. If once you had inserted it, you have the choice between indentation or subscription. You cannot focus on the image any more.
5. In the last good known versions there was a direct access to the forum. Now, as it became very important, it disappeared. We have to google the location of the forum.
]]><a href="{{image_attachment}}" rel="lightbox">{{featured_image}}</a>
Not sure how to get the correct path/to/image.
maybe “link to original” could be an option
]]>I’m used to CMSes used by newspaper publishers and the like — systems like Zope and Saxotech. From a usability standpoint, WordPress is better than these proprietary systems 99 percent of the time (especially Saxo, which is a nightmare). But there is one behavior of these systems that I’d like to find a way to replicate.
In Zope, for instance, when you want a photo to appear in your post, there is no “insert media” button — you attach a photo as a “related item,” much the same way you would add a featured image to a WordPress post, and it is automatically inserted in a specific place. If you add multiple images, depending on the CMS, they may be stacked on top of each other or they may become a slideshow, but again, inserted into the post body at a predetermined location.
Now, I LOVE the fact that WordPress lets you insert images anywhere and choose their size, location, etc. It’s fantastically flexible. But I’m also looking at implementing WordPress in a production environment where there will be many users, with varying levels of comfort, all trying to work very quickly.
Having the CMS automatically handle the placement of images once you “attach” them would be extremely convenient, especially if you had the ability to override it and place the “normal” way as well.
I know there are plugins that allow a post to have multiple featured images. Is there a plugin that gives you the option (a checkbox in the featured image field would be great) to have the featured image automatically inserted in the post body in a predetermined way?
]]>From Postie FAQ:
-Image Handling. Note you can only use this feature if your “Preferred Text Type” is set to “plain”. Allows you to attach images to your email and automatically post them to your blog
-How can I get postie to display inline images? Make sure that you send e-mail formatted as html (richtext), and set postie to prefer html messages (in the message tab of the postie settings)