i am using the conditional fields in my contact form.
But the e-mail what i get, is very long then, and every time i have to delete a lot of lines, before i answer my customer.
so i would like to “tune” the E-mail, which i get. is it possible to set a “if-then” formel in the E-Mail-configuration? for example:
“if field [number of guest] is empty (or <50, or equal 0…), dont show it in the e-mail”
How can i solve my problem?
ich bin am verzweifeln. Ich m?chte ein einfaches Formular mit folgenden Bedingungen erstellen:
1. Seite nur eine Auswahl aus Fahrrad, Auto, Bahn dann gehe zur 2. Seite
2. Seite wenn Auto ausgew?hlt wurde w?hle Hersteller (Audi, VW…)
3. Seite wenn Hersteller ist gleich Audi, w?hle Modell.
Ist das m?glich zu realisieren?
Vielen Dank!
]]>I mean, if certain button or selection is activated, then show extra-group of form items. Those form items are by-default hidden.
Or can we do go from Form 1 to Form 2 or Form 3 depending on the answers given or selected on Form 1?
Appreciate sharing and pointers.
]]>I want to show content based on one country, and then if the user is from any other country in the world, I would like to show them the default content. But not both at the same time.
How can I set up an if/then statement?
I was wondering if there is any way, short of replacing the entire feed script, to filter in such an if enclosure. It would go right after “while(have_posts()): the_post();” and before “<item>” and end right before “endwhile;” and after “</item>”.
Alternatively, can I replace the entire Loop (and only The Loop) in the rss feed via a plugin filter?
]]>Is there a conditional statement that will allow me to do something like this?
If custom post type = show this?
I have tried a few things I found in the codex but had no luck.
$pages = get_pages('child_of='.$post->ID.'&sort_column=menu_order&sort_order=asc&parent='.$post->ID);
$count = 0; foreach($pages as $page) {
$content = $page->post_content;
if(!$content) continue;
if($count >= 2) break;
but I’d like to wrap that in an if statement that formats any child being pulled in with a menu order greater than 1 a particular way. I’m struggling with that conditional statement. Here’s what I tried (but which didn’t work because I’m making some rookie mistake *grrr*):
<?php if ($post->ID.'&menu_order' > 1) { ?>
what am I doing wrong? I’m sure it’s something simple. Thanks!
]]><?php if ( the_title() !="Workshops") {get_sidebar();} ?>
No clue why it’s not working. It displays the word “Workshop” AND the sidebar.