So the range of numbers would be limited: plus 1 to minus 1
Just wondering if I can join two conditions together in the one equation to limit the higher end to plus 1 and lower end to minus 1.
Here is my code I tried:{subloop-array:departments:-1}
{if departments.department_id ==2}
<div class="className">
</div> {/subloop-array:departments.listings}
total result: item_01 + Item 2
If (item_01 + Item 2) > item_3
else result must be: item_3
I tried everything but I didnt get any result
Is there any help in this?
BEst Regards
]]>and CFF form is
return fieldname4*0;
if(fieldname4 <= 10000000 && fieldname12 + fieldname14 -1237500 > fieldname4 – 5000000)
return fieldname12+fieldname14-1237500-(fieldname4-5000000);
if(fieldname4 <= 20000000 && fieldname12 + fieldname14 -3011250 > fieldname4 – 10000000)
return fieldname12+fieldname14-3011250-(fieldname4-10000000);
if(fieldname4 <= 50000000 && fieldname12 + fieldname14 -6598125 > fieldname4 – 20000000)
return fieldname12+fieldname14-6598125-(fieldname4-20000000);
if(fieldname4 > 50000000&& fieldname12 + fieldname14 -18421875 > fieldname4 – 50000000)
return fieldname12+fieldname14-18421875-(fieldname4-50000000);
some condition is not working properly please help me
]]>Thanks for the help.
I need to add an if condition to my calculator form.
I have a dropdown section with 2 options. Values 1 and 2. fieldname3
I have another numeric field. fieldname2
I need the answer to be the following:
If the dropdown selection of fieldname3 is 1, the result should be the number in fieldname2 * 10
If the dropdown selection of fieldname3 is 2, the result should be the number in fieldname2 * 20
I’ve tried but couldn’t do it correctly :/
Thanks for the help!
I am not able to run two functions at the same time while using a filter.
I am trying to charge users as per checkboxes selection. But with my code, as given bellow, I am only able to process one payment (woo-commerce product) at a time.
I am using toolset types plugin for custom fields, cred form & cred commerce plugins to charge for posting ads and woocommerce to process the payment. In my form, I have 2 addons as checkboxes that if users click when posting are charged accordingly.
// Function for urgent-banner
add_filter ('cred_commerce_add_product_to_cart','my_hook',10,3);
function my_hook($product_id, $form_id, $post_id)
// product id is the current associated product ID
// form_id is the cred commerce form id
// post id is the post created or edited with the current form
if (get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'wpcf-urgent-ad', true)) {
$product_id = 687;
//$product_id = 209;
return $product_id;
//Another function for Home page slider carousel
add_filter ('cred_commerce_add_product_to_cart','my_hookc',9,3);
function my_hookc($product_id, $form_id, $post_id)
// product id is the current associated product ID
// form_id is the cred commerce form id
// post id is the post created or edited with the current form
if (get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'wpcf-home-page-carousel', true)) {
$product_id = 209;
return $product_id;
]]>Something like this:
<? if( is_insert_cform(‘my-form-id’) ) { ?>
<? insert_cform(‘my-form-id’); ?>
<? { ?>
because if ID doesn’t exist it will fallback to some other form which was created before.
Thank you for your help.
]]>if (1 < 2) {
then in my console I have this error
SyntaxError: missing ) after condition
if (1 < 2) {
This is a bug right?
]]>i use my own template based on twentyeleven. I always thought that the entry-content is only on individual post pages and the entry-summary is on the posts list, but i can see now that both have the entry-content. Now, i would like to design differently the excerpts of the posts and their pages.
In the content.php, it is :
<?php if ( is_search() ) : // Only display Excerpts for Search ?>
<div class="entry-summary">
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
</div><!-- .entry-summary -->
<?php else : ?>
<div class="entry-content">
<?php the_content( __( 'Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span>', 'ilwebdesign' ) ); ?>
<?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-link"><span>' . __( 'Pages:', 'ilwebdesign' ) . '</span>', 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?>
</div><!-- .entry-content -->
<?php endif; ?>
which means for me that the entry-summary shows up only on search pages.
How should i change the first part of the “if” condition if i would like that the entry-summary shows up NOT ONLY on search pages but also on the posts list instead of the entry-content ? (Of course, on the individual post pages entry-content should remain).
Thanks in advance !