Background: All of my BuddyPress groups on the project I’m using IdeaStream on, as private BuddyPress groups (vs. public BuddyPress groups). I see in the mysql db that IdeaStream “Ideas” come in as a custom-post type “ideas”. The post_status for any ideas in the db gets assigned as “private (which makes sense, as the IdeaStream exists w/in a private BuddyPress group.)
Question: When tags are assigned to a new idea, w/in a private BuddyPress group, the “most commonly used tags” don’t show up in the IdeaStream entry areas (you can add new tags, but the most commonly used tags don’t show up – which I’m assuming is b/c the Buddypress group is private?). If I goto the “Ideas” area in the back-end, the “counts” for any tags (or categories) always = 0 UNLESS I make the BuddyPress group “public”, then the tag counts start to populate & in-turn show up on the submit idea form as a growing list of the most popular tags.
So, I’m wondering if there is any way to allow the most commonly used tag-cloud to grow, even if the BuddyPress group where IdeaStream exists is set to “private”?
I’m also reading through/digesting the wp-idea-stream-custom.php file that was shared from WC Talks Paris (WP IdeaStream Custom – WC Talks. My sense is part of the solution of managing/harnessing the IdeaStream taxonomines for “privately published ideas” may be in there…
Any insights/suggestions would be tremendous! -Jeff
]]>My Q: I noticed than when I use IdeaStream w/in Public BuddyPress (BP) Groups, any IS category counts are always 100% accurate – in the backend Idea Categories area OR in the Categories Widget of IS. HOWEVER, if I us IS in a Private OR Hidden BP Group, the IS Category counts goto “0” in the Backend & the Category Widget simply shifts to say “no categories”.
It’s possible that my understanding of how IS works with Private OR Hidden BP Groups is not quite accurate, or perhaps this is a counting-bug in IS when a BP Group is set to Privater or Hidden. I would have though that the numbers of ideas in a given category would still be counted in private or hidden groups, but I could be wrong in my logic/thinking.
As a comparison, the “Highest Rated Ideas” counts are 100% accurate (in the widget) across Public, Private or Hidden BP Groups.
]]><?php comments_template( '', true ); ?>
to my theme page.php file.
But since Costmizr doesn’t have a page.php, I can’t do that.
So, what else can I do to make this work?
]]>I am soon to be going live with a new intranet site and am using this fantastic plugin for idea submission.
However on the “add idea” page i want to be able to put some guidelines/criteria above the add ideas boxes to explain what sort of ideas i am looking for. Is this possible either with a shortcode or embedding those boxes into another page?
Many thanks,
]]>Any suggestions warmly received.
]]>Many thanks and kindest