I just wanted to make a suggestion in regards to allowing server crons to trigger the updating of the feeds.
In under your woocommerce-sea.php script file, specifically under the woosea_project_refresh
function, if you were to do the following:
– Remove: check_ajax_referer( 'woosea_ajax_nonce', 'security' );
– Remove the role check at: if ( array_intersect( $allowed_roles, $user->roles ) )
It would then allow the user to trigger the cron via server automated crons in such a way: https://example.com.au/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=woosea_project_refresh&project_hash=O3IfGutYiiwzd1W2YaEtN948hfwR12Cm&_wp_http_referer=/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woosea_manage_feed
Just an idea.
Thank you
]]>I’m Michael Heuberger, a Deaf programmer from New Zealand, and have developed a Ninja Forms WordPress plugin to support Sign Language in web forms. It’s so wonderful. With this plugin, you can add a video input inside any web form. Like that, Deaf people can submit forms in Sign Language, which improves accessibility greatly. See:
I’d like to do the same for your popular Woo CMS. Imagine contact forms or order forms where Deaf people can fill out in their native language, namely Sign Language. I bet it will increase sales and customer satisfaction.
Do you think you could forward this email to any Woo developer who might be interested in this little project? It will do good for Deaf people and much more.
I would help to develop together, but have zero experience with Woo. I’d need help during the early phase, on how to lay out a foundation, to test it locally, to build and to release it.
Many thanks
That being said, I think there’s one thing that would be really helpful when migrating. : A ‘summary’ screen that displays what site is migrating to what site.
I did have one issue where I mistakenly copied the migration key of the ORIGINATION site to the DESTINATION site. In other words, I switched them up, so new website replaced the live completed website..
Just a simple popup(?) that could show summary of actions BEFORE proceeding I think would be a helpful addition…
]]>What I’d like to do is: Put the imported posts not live, but save as drafts.
]]>I’ve tried adding the following code and variations thereof both to the custom CSS section in the plugin, and to the themes’ custom CSS section:
select#gtranslate_selector {background-color: #333366 !important;}
Nothing I’ve done so far to these sections changes anything. So what should I do?
An idea to improve the plugin and not get lots of questions about it (couldn’t find any previous here, as the search function returned nothing, hence I posted a new question, though when googling I’ve seen lots of people asking this question in variations) is to add a color selection section. Elements could be “Selector text”, “Selector Background”, and possibly corresponding elements for the menu item.