we encouter problems on our site when uploading MP3s that contain German Umlauts (?i?ü?I?ü?) in their ID3 tags. The error returned is “Could not insert attachment into database”.
Thanks for your help and best regards
]]>[04-Apr-2020 11:31:51] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘getid3_handler’ not found in /home/domain.com/wp-includes/ID3/module.audio.ac3.php:18
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /home/domain.com/wp-includes/ID3/module.audio.ac3.php on line 18
The line it references in the file listed is:
class getid3_ac3 extends getid3_handler
I only have images on my site and use no other media types, I guess you can include the slider, but it is only tech and images as well.
Here is a live browsable WordPress file source to view the WordPress files shown in the error and in the folder: https://wpseek.com/source/wp/latest/nav.html?wp-includes/ID3/getid3.php.source.html
From just a quick review, the error shows it was looking for “Class ‘getid3_handler'”, but on line 18 of the file listed which is the class line, it lists “class getid3_ac3” so it seems to be true, thoughts? On this site it took about 5 days after the new install before the error popped up and since it shows up on all my sites I am now curious whats happening since I was using fresh 5.3.4 files I figured it would be resolved if it was an WP issue in 5.4 so now that it is happening in the new 5.4 I want to figure out if it’s just a glitch error or possibly a plugin causing the glitch. During some research I come acroess people with the WP Smush plugin that have gotten this error as well, but I don’t use that plugin, I use Imagify and all plugins, themes, were installed during the initial install and nothing has been added or modified since the initial setup. Thanks for any help in advance! Appreciate it! Cheers!
]]>Also I can’t find a way to edit this manually.
Latest version of WordPress (5.2.1) and PHP 7.
Tried different files with different flavours of ID3 tags.
Also, while the description details are complete, I need to manually enter the artist and title metadata. I seem to recall that they were pre-popolulated in a previous version?
]]>I see that you are unavailable til the 21st, but just wanted to post my question here in case it is helpful for others. Hope your time away was good!
I am trying to extract on upload and existing files a line out of my audio file’s metadata, ideally having that information end up in the “tags”.
Quick overview: have hundreds of music files of my compositions. As I added them to itunes I added mood tags to the “comment” field of itunes’ file info. I could just go through and manually do this, but as this is an ongoing project it would be nice if these autopopulated on upload. The end goal is to show people who are interested in using my music for film only audio tracks that are the tag “moody” or “upbeat” etc.
I have read documentation and I apologize if this has been addressed… after many hours of trying to figure this out on my own I just have to ask for help!
What I think I need to do is add the code
or is it
or is it
to the EXIF/Template Value field.
etc. point is, I do work with code a lot but can’t figure this out! I apologize, I did indeed read the documentation and forum posts that seemed to apply :/
…I know that ‘comment’ exists, I can see it in the Attachment Metadata field… I just don’t know how to get to it! It looks like this (copy and paste transformed => into =>):
array (
‘dataformat’ => ‘mp3’,
‘channels’ => 2,
‘sample_rate’ => 44100,
‘bitrate’ => 256000,
‘channelmode’ => ‘stereo’,
‘bitrate_mode’ => ‘cbr’,
‘lossless’ => false,
‘encoder_options’ => ‘CBR256’,
‘compression_ratio’ => 0.181405895691609975184377390178269706666469573974609375,
‘fileformat’ => ‘mp3’,
‘filesize’ => 10954461,
‘mime_type’ => ‘audio/mpeg’,
‘length’ => 342,
‘length_formatted’ => ‘5:42’,
‘title’ => ’12 stormy brewy 020118′,
‘artist’ => ‘Luke Janela’,
‘band’ => ‘Luke Janela’,
‘composer’ => ‘Luke Janela’,
‘track_number’ => ’12’,
‘year’ => ‘2018’,
‘genre’ => ‘Alternative’,
‘comment’ => ‘moody,ethereal,cello’,
‘encoded_by’ => ‘iTunes’,
‘album’ => ‘REVERIES 18 – MITR’,
I’d actually love the power to do more with this info.
Your plugin is absolutely amazing, hope your time away was good, and I can’t wait to put it to use!
$uploads = wp_upload_dir();
$uploads_dir = ( $uploads['baseurl'] . $uploads['subdir'] );
$file_path = $uploads_dir . "/song.mp3";
$metadata = wp_read_audio_metadata( $file_path );
echo "This song is played by " . $metadata['artist'];
I took the first 4 lines from an example in the codex, and $file_path
does display the correct url when printed.
The echoed string doesn’t display the artist name and the var_dump
returns a bool(false)
I pasted this code in header.php, but the result was the same.
if ( !function_exists( 'wp_read_audio_metadata' ) ) {
require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/media.php';
Strangely, the wp_read_audio_metadata
function works perfectly fine when I use the ACF plugin to supply the file (even without including media.php), but directly providing an url doesn’t seem to work.
Am I missing something? Any help is appreciated!
All files listed have at least v2.2 ID3 tags, the top one, listed as TLC-23-11-13 is the only one with v2.2 and v1.
NOTE: the widget uses a different plugin, just ignore that one
]]>This allows the downloaded mp3 to have the correct tags, and ensures that the image in the podcast is correct etc. without having to bother setting the tags before uploading the mp3. It also ensures consistency between the data in the sermon and that in the .mp3
The integration with the existing plugin is not perfect (you have to manually update the getid3 library on installation), but if there is any interest, this could probably be tidied up.
Note that this is in a sense the opposite of the existing addon, which updates the sermon data from the id3 tags in the mp3 file
]]>FINALLY! This player seems to have everything I’ve been looking for.
I have one important question:
Using the player here: https://soaking.net (as widget on right side under chat box).
I’ve setup the playlist to pull the files from a specific folder. I would like to show the songs by Title and not by filename. Visitors need to be able to see the song title and the artist name. Can we show those ID3 tags info in the playlist for each song?
I’ve read all I could find but cannot find the instructions. Can someone help me?
Regards, and many thanks in advance!
]]>In wp-admin/includes/image.php, in the function wp_read_image_metadata, there’s a metadata array initialized like this:
$meta = array(
'aperture' => 0,
'credit' => '',
'camera' => '',
'caption' => '',
'created_timestamp' => 0,
'copyright' => '',
'focal_length' => 0,
'iso' => 0,
'shutter_speed' => 0,
'title' => '' );
It seems that the only element of this array that actually gets used by WP core is the ‘title’ element (in media.php in function media_handle_upload.). Is that correct?
For some reason the created_timestamp is stored in this array as a UNIX-style 32-bit integer. Is there any reason for that? Will I break core if I change that to a time string?
If the file doesn’t contain photo-specific metadata (aperture, shutter, iso) would my plugin break stuff in core if it removed these items? Would it break stuff in core if I add new items?
I’m considering using a similar array of metadata (the same array, actually, populated by chain of filters) for various kinds of media attachments other than images. (MP3 files, PDFs, etc). Adobe has been pushing an XMP standard, the publishers have IPTC, and there’s EXIF and ID3 metadata as well. So there are lots of sources of useful data.
Is there any core-architecture reason this kind of thing will not work? Thanks.