I’ve added shared Nextcloud calendars implemented via the ICS Calendar plugin and didn’t had any issues by adding them in the past. Since the new update, the calendar only allows urls of ics-files. Nextcloud does not provide an url which ends with “.ics”. Nextcloud links/ical-feeds looks like https://[DOMAIN].com/remote.php/dav/public-calendars/XXXXX?export and return an .ics-file.
It looks like the new version doesn’t support this kind of links anymore. Your feed-tester replies: “2.25 kB received. This does not appear to be a valid ICS feed URL.” In the past, this wasn’t the case.
It would be nice of you guys to fix this issue. Thanks in advance!
WordPress: 6.5.2
Active Theme: Blocksy 2.0.39 (blocksy)
Linux / 4.15.0 / x86_64
PHP 8.2.18
Plugin settings:
r34ics_transients_expiration: 120
r34ics_use_new_defaults_10_6: 1
r34ics_version: 11.0.0
]]>Problem: different site (www.tashmina.co.uk) receives the events via an ics feed from tashminaconcerts.co.uk. Events on the receiving (of ics feed) site add the venues as categories! Why?
This means I cannot use venues on the concerts (source) site after all; category means “artist” on both sites, and I can’t have all the venue names showing up as categories on the receiving site!
I would like to be able use venues though, and am sure it is not meant to work this way..?…So, some further points:
All is fine on the concerts (source) site because it recognises the difference between venues and categories properly. Why is this distinction lost when the event goes into an ics feed?
Is this a bug or feature? Shouldn’t the venue be carried properly by the ics feed? Then it could either be ignored or used, depending on whether or not the receiving site/calendar used or could handle the venue field, or not?
]]>Can you please point me in the right direction of where to look in the coding to resolve this issue. I don’t understand why the manual update works but the auto-refresh doesn’t. Does the auto-refresh not use the same coding to handle the import? Also, is there a way to stop the auto-refresh? It seems the maximum time between updates is 1 day. It also looks like it’s not using cronjobs to do the updates – so how does it do run the update?
]]>to this website: https://www.chartersquared.com/aea/calendar
Can anyone help to resolve this? Thank you.
]]>1) I tried the Lite, the Standard, and reinstalling, but I still can’t figure out why the Timely Font Awesome icons are not showing. See here > https://rolfingasheville.com/structural-integration-bodywork-calendar/
2) The ics feed is showing incorrect info, and I’m not sure how to fix it. See the new calendar here versus old correct calendar here
Thank you for any help and for designing such a great plugin.
]]>I can’t see a way to adjust it at all – help, it’s really bugging me now!!
]]>url — www.perryhallumc.org
My wordpress version is 3.4.2. ; [Login details redacted]
My calendar is Now at: version 1.8.3 Premium
I started this upgrade from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3 premium because events were not being exported to google properly in subscribe function.
Once I went to 1.8.3 premium I could not subscribe from google — got this message:
When you try to subscribe to this in google, it says “We could not parse the calendar at the url requested.”
So, after a while, I thought OK, let me set up my old backup site (at 1.8.2); same wordpress version 3.4.2 to do a calendar ical feed from the 1.8.3 premium main site.
www.perryhallumc.org calendar ical feed to this old backup site https://websolutionstampabay.info/calendar/#action=ai1ec_month&ai1ec_month_offset=0&ai1ec_post_ids=
Then, in google calendar I subscribed to the old backup site https://websolutionstampabay.info/calendar/#action=ai1ec_month&ai1ec_month_offset=0&ai1ec_post_ids=
At least I was able to subscribe. However, events are incorrect. (So my church people got their google calendar back, but events are all wrong.)
(The backup site is www.websolutionstampabay.info. id — webs4323; password — movePJ54* )
Now that I think about it, stupid idea — who wants an incorrect calendar and if 1.8.2 wasn’t feeding events properly to google (subscribe function),
feeding it from 1.8.3 through another 1.8.2 wouldn’t really change anything — however — I panicked with the google calendar totally being
blown away (parsing error).
But, I discovered an interesting thing about 1.8.3 — the ical feed to 1.8.2 calendar is not accurate! There are now 2 levels of inaccuracy —
1.8.2 is missing stuff and then google subscribe misses more from the 1.8.2!
So — from my real website www.perryhallumc.org, I cannot have people subscribe in google to it and be reliable. The pastor and secretary run
the large, active church from google calendar, with my wordpress site calendar being the Master. (google the Slave).
And falling back to 1.8.2, the events’ accuracy actually seem to be getting worse, as google updates their subscribe feed —
like for instance, yesterday exclusion events were not being reflected in the google calendar subscription; this morning, some all day
events are not being reflected in the google calendar subscription. Thus, at this point, I have no calendar for the church.
Another question — is there a clean way to get all the events and detail out of all in one event calendar to print it, so I can
give it to the church and reverse the relationship? Master — google, Slave — All in One Event? Not sure I want to; we lose
lots of nice things, but I have such a reduced rate on this project being a church, I cannot get to my other paying clients!
I love this calendar and so does the church. It has made such a difference in their community. Please help me get
this back working for them. Hopefully, without having to re-input all the events — 150 items, with flyers attached, etc.
We are gearing up for the Holidays and with the economy, they are counting on being able to advertise (we spend $$)
via facebook, to get outsiders and all members to fund raising events!
All help is appreciated,