I’m currently experiencing some issues with the Testimony widget.
I’m trying to link every testimony to the client’s website (upon clicking on the client image for example).
But that option doesn’t seem to exist in the widget.
So, I tried to do it using HTML and hypertext code but that doesn’t work either!
Any ideas?
Thank you warmly in advance
Also: the words containing links are black. I’d like to make them blue and underlined, which is the universally recognized style for words with links. Any idea on how to do this for my whole website?
Thank you so much!
]]>Just paid for and installed. Added 3 FAQs and none of the hypertext works when you click on it.
Example: Please consult our calendar to see when ….. If you click on CALENDAR nothing happens. You can Right Click and open the link in a new tab though!
]]>For example, I input this:
I have resorted to buying ginger ale
But the link ends up looking like this after saving/previewing:
I have resorted to buying ginger ale
I have no idea why, all of a sudden, it won’t allow me to create hyperlinks/hypertexts as before I had no problems at all.
Can anyone help?
Many thanks