"Link 1","<a href="""">Google</a>"
"Link 2","<a href="""">Bing</a>"
If I import that same .csv file with Ninja Tables, the table only has an empty anchor tag for the cell contents. For example: <a>Google</a>
For the new table, I set the Link Column to be an HTML field, then tried reimporting the .csv file and it has the same result.
If I manually change the .csv file to the following the links are imported properly:
"Link 1",<a >Google</a>
"Link 2",<a >Bing</a>
So obviously this is a problem with CSV files containing quotation marks for strings, but it seems like Ninja Tables should be able to parse HTML tags properly, especially when the file is exported from Ninja Tables?
I have to modify file paths for a table with 6000 entries, so I need to use excel to alter the exported csv file, and then reimport the edited csv as a new table. Let me know if there is some other way to import csv files , or if there is a secret setting that allows ninja tables to properly parse HTML tags from a csv.
Your help would be greatly appreciated
]]>I noticed from the information provided that your plugin allows for both automatic and manual input of affiliate products/links, however I’ve seen no option available and have inputted all links manually.
The links I created are not automatically hyperlinking keywords, where some keywords may use unique lettering such as hyphenated letters. This also includes some keywords that are just one word.
According to the information I saw, there were supposed to be options such as “General Settings” and the option to export/import from a text file, of which I do not see as an option.
My administrator has informed me that I should have no restrictions on their site and thus I’ve come here to found out a way to resolve this.
Also excluded posts do not show after being added.
The statistics panel can’t be activated by me, even though I have the associated permissions.
I’ve added linked from both the Amazon US and UK sites, as some products do not share proprietary access across both, I’m not sure if this would present as an issue.
The WordPress version is fully updated as well.
I’ve considered using shortcode to hyperlink keywords but that is rather time consuming when there are an abundance of posts, and the hyperlinks appear in a different colour.
What do I need to do to resolve this? I appreciate the assistance!
I’ve tried a few ways including using a dynamic data source (google sheets), but are there any ways to have hyperlinks or clickable links in the content?
]]>That was really fast and great support. I will give it the full number of points.
]]>In Customizer->Aangepaste CSS/JS heb ik het volgende gebruikt:
a {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
Voor “color” en “font-weight” werkt dat prima maar “text-decoration: none” werkt niet.
Ook “a” aangepast naar “a: link” biedt geen soelaas.
Ook de code in het child-style-bestand geprobeerd maar ook dat werkt niet.
Ik zou heel erg geholpen zijn met een eenvoudige oplossing voor mijn probleem. Ik ben geen “pro” dus als het eenvoudig kan, dan graag.
Bij voorbaat bedankt,
]]>I use PublishPress shortcode to retrieve the image URL:
[publishpress_authors_data field="avatar"]
Which means I want to achieve something like this:
<a href="author_archive.html"><img src="[publishpress_authors_data field="avatar"]"></a>
I fail in this. Even if I would find a solution, my next problem is that some posts have multiple authors. The output from the PublishPress shortcode would therefore consist of two (or more) image URL:s, i.e., e.g.:
<a href="author_archive.html"><img src="URL 1, URL 2, URL 3…"></a>
Is there a solution to my problem(s)?
]]>a {
color: orange; font-weight:bold
a:visited {
color: orange; font-weight: bold
a:hover {
color: #7BB79C; font-weight: bold
Grateful for any assistance you can provide.