I have two issues (1)when someone tries to resubscribe(Screenshot link: https://tinyurl.com/2cajds8a) or they try to (2)subscribe(perhaps not knowing if they have already subscribed) and it says that they are already subscribed and to ‘please click here to update your profile’ but it’s not hyperlinked. (Screenshot link: https://tinyurl.com/2brbjt4v)
Is this something that I need to configure somewhere that I’ve missed? I do also apologise if this is something that has been previously posted/answered. I have searched the knowledge base and the existing posts but not come across it.
There are four other pages on this website, five in total:
– Home
– Gallery
– Testimonials
– Programs
– Train With Me
The issue is that the main navigation in my chosen WordPress theme seems to not be modular. Rather than there being one navigation with 5 links, and PHP module references to that navigation, there are 25 links. 5 per page.
WordPress only allows me to edit 5 of these, and thus 80% of the links on this site are broken / failing to update.
If I go from Home to Testimony, the Testimony page loads up correctly, as the “Testimony” button points to https://fitnessexperts.com/testimony
If I go from Gallery to Testimony, the Testimony page fails to load, because the “Testimony” button points to https://fitnessexperts.com/testimonies
With the current interface in WordPress, I cannot edit the navigation hyperlinks on a per-page basis with any precision. Meaning I have to fix these broken links manually in code. The problem is: I have absolutely no idea where these pages are stored.
I’ve tried connecting to my site with FTP, I downloaded the whole file structure. 90% of it is WordPress files, none of them are my actual web pages. I had the same issue when navigating the file structure via SSH. The database “posts” table hasn’t updated in 3 months and is clearly not storing any of this information. So my question is:
Where are they being stored? Where can I find these pages so that I can manually change and fix the hyperlinks?
]]>I also can’t find anything in the Options area that would help me.
What am I doing wrong?
That’s NOT my case and I’ve found nothing on the subject. Mine is “hyperlinking.”
Inside the builder, when I highlight a word to hyperlink, the word turns blue in the typing section … however, I’m given no no inline link editor. It just sits there, staring at me. It’s unsettling.
Any ideas would be embraced. Please bare in mind that I’m not all that WordPress savvy.
]]>I have had this problem for a while and I am not sure if it has to do with the WordPress theme or some other conflict.
Here is a link to one of the pages as an example. If you scroll down you can see what I’m talking about. In the box description it has a bunch of scrambled CSS code that is on the linked site.
Is there anyway to prevent this auto-box hyperlink from appearing and just show the plaintext link (or just a simple hyperlink) without having to edit the page/post directly?
]]>My problem is when I create the link it opens in a new window. I want it to open in the same window. Otherwise its an annoying user experience. The code I’m using is :
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][icon_font icon=”font-awesome” icon_awesome=”info-circle” size=”80″ icon_color=”#1b77a8″ align=” center” link=”LINK HERE”][vc_column_text]
I’ve tried adding Target=”_top” / Target=”_self” to no avail and I’m not sure what else I can try.
Any suggestions or ideas would be welcomed.
]]>In any post, when you select text and want to link it to a URL, you’d normally click the LINK button. This is grayed out for me and I cannot click it. I found a workaround which is using the shortcut (Alt+Shift+A), then the button becomes clickable..
Am I missing something, why is a simple feature like this now broken? This just started when I upgraded to 3.6.
coded text to link to a web site instead of showing the site URl? Perhaps, people working on sites may not appreciate having their site specific support requests in the public domain where a client or competitor may easily discover it in a search. How are others handling this issue?I am using the Theme called ‘Skirmish’.