Both texts are in HTML format.
In Elementor I simply copy the first language as “Text” into a text block.
It shows up as one element in the elementor editor.
I’d like to simply copy the already translated page as “full page”, i.e. one block of text.
And not go through every single line, step by step; what would be a big pain!
I hope/expect there is a better way; avoiding that “visual editing” option.
Do you understand my point?
Looking forward for any hint that would make my life easier
]]>I cannot insert the link because the site is temporarily hidden from users.
Help me please,
thank you so much,
For ex. input1 = 2, input2 = 3
When the calculate button is pressed,
the output is output1 = 4, output2 = 5
The HTML text should be “The output is 4+j5”
If the output1 = 4, output2 = -5
The HTML text should be “The output is 4-j5”
Is there a way to execute this? Kindly provide the solution.
]]>auf meiner Shop-Seite (gebaut mit Woocommerce und Germanized, sowie mit dem Theme Divi) erscheinen die E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen z.B. nach einer Bestellung u.a. mit einem HTML Text.
Das hei?t, in der automatisierten Mail (z.B. Mail zur Bestellbest?tigung) werden die Texte (Impressum, AGB`s und Datenschutz) zuerst mit dem HTML Text angezeigt und im Anschluss mit Flie?text.
Ich m?chte den HTML-Text entfernen, jedoch wei? ich nicht wie.
Ich freue mich sehr über hilfreiche Tipps
Also other competitor seems to support multilingual better by allowing me custom the display language.
I don’t seem this option in your plugin. If I change the display language of our site from English to Chinese, the calendar itself display chinese but it doesn’t translate all the form labels etc. Please enlighten me. We have WPML etc.
and first of all thank you for a great plugin! One little thing that is missing for me is the ability to provide the user some extra information/guidance, depending on their selection in a previous field. For user-experience and readability that text must have HTML formatting (which is not available in the current version’s “Extra Information” field).
Is there any way or are there any plans to include in the feature a simple HTML text field where the service can supply informative text for the user (depending on previous selections) and that it retains most of the features of the current fields such as width and especially the visibility one?
Thank you
there is a message shown in the webpage I’m administrating that shouldn’t be there.
It can be seen before the table of prices.
“Default sample caption text
This is the HTML code
<div class=”gdlr-core-title-item gdlr-core-item-pdb clearfix gdlr-core-left-align gdlr-core-title-item-caption-top gdlr-core-item-pdlr”>
<span class=”gdlr-core-title-item-caption gdlr-core-info-font gdlr-core-skin-caption”>Default sample caption text</span><div class=”gdlr-core-title-item-title-wrap ” ><h3 class=”gdlr-core-title-item-title gdlr-core-skin-title”>Default Sample Title</h3>
These are the screenshots.
CSS Style sheet (with autoptimize reference)
The message (just in case there’s anyone with the same issue but find this solved)
?Does anyone know how to fix it, please?
Thank you very much
]]>I am using Richer theme and trying to add some html code to customise my footer. I can’t find a widget for it in the theme. Please help.