I’ve been having terrible problems with 2 of my websites which has caused all rankings to disappear. For almost 3 months now i have been working on them hoping my rankings would come back.
However, today i took a look at my sites to see if they were still indexed by using…
“site:https://naturalremedies-for.com/” and noticed that Google is not caching my website properly. Well i hope this is the case as it means i may be able to fix the problem.
For months now i have been feeling dejected thinking that i am not cut out for internet marketing because my sites just can’t get ranked, but now i am hoping that this was the problem all along.
Would it be too much to ask for someone to take a look at how Google is caching my websites by using the “site:https://naturalremedies-for.com/” feature. I would greatly appreciate any help as I’m at a loss at what to do.
Thank you for taking the time to read this thread.
]]><object width=”468″ height=”120″><param name=”movie” value=”https://s1.tankionline.com/tankiref.swf”></param><param name=”flashvars” value=”hash=3f47d541e&server=s1.tankionline.com” /><embed src=”https://s1.tankionline.com/tankiref.swf” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”468″ height=”120″ flashvars=”hash=3f47d541e&server=s1.tankionline.com”></embed>
and i used every BB code there is and failed, went on This
and that didn’t help ethier, Help please?
Note:I play tankionline and it gives you a banner that needs HTML or somthing
this is the page source info from the pages with the error…
<title>Blog | LoomzWorld</title>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″ />
<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”https://loomzworld.com/wp-content/themes/backstage/style.css” media=”screen” />
<link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”RSS 2.0″ href=”https://loomzworld.com/feed/” />
<link rel=”pingback” href=”https://loomzworld.com/xmlrpc.php” /><!–[if IE 6]>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://loomzworld.com/wp-content/themes/backstage/includes/js/pngfix.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://loomzworld.com/wp-content/themes/backstage/includes/js/menu.js”></script>
<![endif]–>below is where i see the text “logo” in the page source, this is not present on the other pages
logo<link rel=”image_src” href=”” / >
My site is LoomzWorld.com
Any help in removing this will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
]]>I had been making adjustments in the html sidebar files because of certain restrictions from WordPress. However, it has set me back because now I cannot properly use my widgets! lol. I would really like to be able to use widgets, as I have some links and what-not I’d like to display via widgets.
The adjustments I made (aside from a few ads, which haven’t seemed to cause any problems) were based on manually adding a sidebar box with a few links. Removing said box does not resolve the issue, so I’m guessing it’s just a matter of a closing html tag or something. However, I only have basic html knowledge and very little experience with WordPress.
Anyone know whats wrong?
I’m new around here, so any help at all is very appreciated! Thanks in advance.