Running on BuddyBoss PRO.
]]>I did previously use the Yoast SEO plugin before removing and replacing with the superior SEO Framework plugin. Four files were transferred courtesy of the SEO Data Transporter plugin before Yoast was deactivated and removed. I notice that when my WP-Optimize plugin optimises my database tables, I still see a couple of Yoast references in there which may or may not be relevant. When I view the base sitemap within TSF, I see those three pages and ‘Output sitemap’ is obviously checked. In the root folder of my website, my robots.txt file reads as:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
Sitemap: https://”my domain”/sitemap.xml
What else can I tell you? I also have the “Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights” and “Wordfence Security” plugins active. Today, I re-submitted my sitemaps in my Google Search Console and they were all read with today’s date, showing status as “1 error” as quoted earlier.
As I said, I fully appreciate that this is not critical by any means, but surely I should be able to arrange for these sitemaps to be read without error?
I thank you in advance for your patience and help with this irritation.
Disallowed attribute or attribute value present in HTML tag
Then i further cleared the cached pages from my server end , after that now in the search results for two of my AMP pages the normal non AMP version page is diplaying(in mobile)
Further i have validated the AMP pages (error pages) and all looked fine and passed in the AMP Validator
All my error pages are now for pending validation in GSC . So my doubt is whether the non AMP page will only be showing up in the Google search results(in mobile). If yes then how can i again index the AMP version pages in the SERP .
One of the error page is this one :
when I activate Wp fastest cache, then this leads to a xml sitemap error. Google search Console cant read the sitemap anymore. Firefox show me this message in the sourcecode of the sitemap “<!– html is corrupted –>”
Deactivating the plugin will solve this problem but I would like so stay with wp fastest cache.
I am using SEOPress Pro to generate the sitemap. Do you have an idea why this happen and how I can fix it?
Thank you
]]>In addition, I get that gzip is active for java and css but not html. I reached out to go daddy again and they blamed the plugs and said there was nothing they can do because they said the GZIP is enabled on their end. I was told to purchase a cpanal and that will enable me to enable gzip. My server type is Apache. Is there any way to solve this issue.