I have road-tested a few of the free plug-ins that might help me to do this, but they all seem to offer basic functionality.
Also, they require me to use an html/xml/etc editor to convert pages in my document before pasting them into a block.
In my current state of ignorance, there doesn’t seem to be much difference between a knowledgebase and a series of pages served via a hierarchy of menus (I’m probably mistaken in this…?).
Does anyone know if it is possible to create a knowledgebase in this fashion? That is, as discrete pages linked via menus?
The virtue of this approach would be that I could cut and paste pages into the block editor, and retain the line breaks (these are lost when I do as much via one of the dedicated knowledgebase plug-ins).
Thanks in advance for any advice.
]]>All HTML is on thin right side, can’t edit.
]]>in the many different solutions I was unable to get the Pin Infobox (simple and advanced) to work.
Changed my config.php file but without effect.
Don’t use the classic editor, but tried it.
Tried with the advanced tinyMCE editor, also without result
TinyMCE folder “wp-includes\js\tinymce” has 755 folder permissions.
Even more options?
]]>I noticed this failure in Apperiance Settings > Typography and in Frontpage Sections > Team, Testimonials and Clients Bar.
Also, I cannot enter HTML editor in Classic editor. I only see WYSIWYG editor.
]]>i’m developing a plugin for wordpress. I would like to know if the only solution to edit text on admin site (in plugin) as parameter, is a textarea input or if there is a HTML editor that i could use in my plugin ?
]]>For some reason it seems as if my visual editor is stuck in html view. I switched to HTML editor and now I cannot switch back. Tool bars gone and only html code.
Can you maybe advise how to get back to ‘ normal’?
Here a screen shot of what I am seeing:
Cheers for the help dear people
]]>What to do?? ESS seems unable to override this. Why?
For example, I just edited this page in HTML and all of my second sentence spaces have disappeared, although ESS is active: https://shrinkwrap.blog/intelligence-embodiment/
Other posts which have never been opened in the v5+ HTML editor retain their double sentence spaces as created by ESS. For example: https://shrinkwrap.blog/polyvagal-theory-made-simple/