I’m trying to use a the text editor custom field to embed an Instagram post in my article.
It seems to find the post, but it’s never fully displayed (the image doesn’t appear).
The result I want:
At the bottom of the page, you can see the Instagram post embeded correctly. For this one, I wrote the instagram blocquote inside the post-content.
The result I get, using a custom field:
Here, the instagram post isn’t displayed properly. It’s blank and says “see this on instagram”
Is it fixable?
Thank you
… your plugin “WP Featured Content and Slider” is very graet!
We need the possibility to use own HTML-content or further shortcode in the Featured Content (in the “sub-content” area).
But your plugin allow no own HTML-code (e.g.: DIV-Tags, A-Tags, P-Tags, etc.) in the “sub-content” area.
We create a new Featured Content and paste the little HTML-code:
<div class=”col-box” style=”color:#fff;”>
But the only was is appear, is the string “TestText”.
We would very happy if you can help us?
It’s very important for us!
Many thanks for your quickly answer!
Gru?, Mike
]]>Now my clients contact form does send out the emails, but all content gets crammed on one row, all line breaks are gone. So the end result is like this:
Ny kursanm?lan fr?n www.forandringsarbetarna.nu/kurser/alla Kurs: Coaching f?r ledare ?nskat startdatum: 2018-05-21 Personuppgifter Eva C Johansson cob Kontaktuppgifter eks 12346 farsta 07052xxxxx [email protected] Fakturaadress ?vriga ?nskem?l test
For a message that looks like this:
Ny kursanm?lan fr?n www.forandringsarbetarna.nu/kurser/alla
?nskat startdatum:
?vriga ?nskem?l
And if I check the “Use HTML content” option, I get the red “Can’t send the message, please try later…” when I use the form. I get this both with and without HTML in the message area (tried to add br-tags).
Any ideas on why this is happening, and how to solve it?
]]>I need to be able to have static field names. I have a robust system tied to the cpcff_process_data function which reads the $_POST array. If I can’t have static field names, that means I have to make the $_POST array parser different for every form id, which is very difficult.
Instead, for each form, I have tried to use the below code. I can see the inputs being added to the DOM but not coming across in the _POST array. It does not make sense to me that an input I add to the the form does not come across to the server.
var formFieldMapping = {
firstname : ‘fieldname8’,
lastname : ‘fieldname9’,
address : ‘fieldname15’,
city : ‘fieldname32’,
state : ‘fieldname33’,
zip : ‘fieldname34’,
bill : ‘fieldname1’,
email : ‘fieldname12’,
util : ‘fieldname4’,
homeowner : ‘fieldname2’,
shade : ‘fieldname5’,
propertytype : ‘fieldname39’,
submit : ‘fieldname37’
var cffForm = jQuery(“form:has(input[name=cp_calculatedfieldsf_id][value=28])”);
var submitButton = cffForm.find(‘#’+ formFieldMapping[‘submit’]);
submitButton.click(function() {
Object.keys(formFieldMapping).forEach(function(key, index) {
var fieldval = cffForm.find(‘#’+this[key]).val();
var inp = $(‘<input>’).attr({
type: ‘hidden’,
id: key,
name: key
}, formFieldMapping);
<span class=”screen-reader-text”>Private article:</span>Title‘
I use bbPress for our forum and Members plugin for content restriction. Roles are set up for access to some forums but not others. e.g. beginners should not see instructor forum content or topics.
I use private forums to restrict content based on user level. On the private forum posts, html span tag precedes the title.
This does not seem to be a problem with private posts or pages.
WordPress Version: 4.7.5
bbPress Version: 2.5.12
1) When I work in Page Builder to install the Maskitto widgets, it won’t allow me to add content inbetween them as the Red demo displays. For instance, I want to be able to add something about our upcoming outreach where the “About Us” panel is on the demo and have a button under the excerpt just like the Maskitto-light-red demo has.
2) With the exception of the Maskitto counter widget, I want to mimic pretty much the flow that is on that demo, but with our own existing content. It works well for mobilizing what we already feature for this non-profit outreach. We incubate food pantries and we support a week long outreach into the community (which we also crowdmap) of free help (Kindness days) and food pantry support for communities and individuals in need.
3) Currently, I have the top menu bar working, the slider widget, the services widget, all customized. with the exception of pulling the icons from github. I have referenced them by their name and the URL for them but they don’t display.
4) There is a big space between the Services widget display and the Slogan widget. I have not other code in there.
I currently have the site in maintenance mode. I do not wish to display it at this time to the public. I can post a screen shot or let you in with a temp login.