I am trying to enable gzip compression with hummingbird plugin but everytime i get an error saying that html compression not working. I checked .htaccess as well and code is all there. Other type of compressions are working and only html is having issue. Can you please help me on this.
]]>shortcode outputs extra whitespace for every line.
It would be useful if extra line breaks/double space etc between shortcode tags was removed from output
if i have a CCS like this:
[if check={COURSE_TYPE} value="new"][set type]new[/set][else][set type][/set][/if]
£[format decimals=0 point=. thousands=,]
[if check={TYPE} value="new"]
[global][data key="course-information-new" field="total_fees"][/global]
[global][data key="course-information" field="total_fees"][/global]
all of those lines create whitespace around the output
normally it’s not a problem but when run through an HTML compressor on a line like this it’ll end up stripping white space between words because of the extra whitespace from the shortcode (double spaces etc)
New Courses: [my_shortcode] Fees
will come out something like this after compression
New Courses:£1,000Fees
since the uncompressed HTML is actually something like
New Courses
essentially I’d have to write it like this…
[if check={COURSE_TYPE} value="new"][set type]new[/set][else][set type][/set][/if]£[format decimals=0 point=. thousands=,][if check={TYPE} value="new"][global][data key="course-information-new" field="total_fees"][/global][else][global][data key="course-information" field="total_fees"][/global][/if][/format][/pass]
…which is hard to read
here is the HTML-code in editor:
<li>Bla-bla (<a href="">1</a>, <a href="">2</a>)</li>
and here is page contents, as it renders in browser:
Bla-bla (1,2)
As you can see, there is no space between “,” and “2”. But it should be there. So html-compressing affects human-readable spaces.
]]>I’m using the Karma for WordPress theme, which I know can bloat code a bit (which is why I need the compression).
Thanks y’all
As I was trying to optimize my website for SEO purposes, I was surprised that my website is no longer responsive. I added a snippet on the .htaccess codes and did something on the website like some other things like css minifier, HTML Compression/GZIP Test but I really think there’s something wrong with my .htaccess so I revert it back to the same old codes but it’s still the same. Can anyone please help me out? Would really appreciate it.
]]>I have a question about this plugin, in the previous version (1.0) your plugin can show the html code only in one line, but why in next version (1.1) this doesn’t happen again.
How I can use the current version but display the result oh html code as the previous version? Thanks before..
]]>Please advise.