What happened? Anyone else has the same problem?
Blessings, Brisch
<!– Grow Social by Mediavine v.2.16.2 https://marketplace.mediavine.com/grow-social-pro/ –>
]]>Suppose the source of the article is as follows.
<p>text A</p>
<p>text B<p>
(There are two hyphens on either side of “more”. This forum will combine the two hyphens into one hyphen by itself.)
If the article “text A” has a small number of characters and the excerpt has a large number of characters set, the WordPress Popular Posts widget will include “<! –more–>” is included in the source.
Depending on the character count setting of the excerpt, the source would look like this.
The HTML tag is not closed due to “<!–“.
Then the website will be broken as follows.
Normal Web site
Broken Web site
If you did not understand the English I am saying, please let me know.
I will try my best to convey what I am saying.
removes just the main part <!-- WP Fastest Cache file was created in 0.014904975891113 seconds, on 29-05-20 17:41:42 -->
There is still <!-- via php -->
keeps on adding itself. And also <!-- need to refresh to see cached version -->
, if a page is not cached.
How can one make WP Fastest Cache to be completely silent?
]]><!– wp:paragraph –>
I am not sure what the purpose of these are, but is there a possiblity that having this text in each page will slow down the render speed of the page in web browsers.
I remember some idea about avoiding blank spaces in documents because even these will slow down the download speed of a file.
Is there any way of stopping the automatic insertion of these comments?
]]>If so, mine are still showing on the backend under view source code.
Any suggestions as to why this is not hiding the html comments.
Thank you
]]><!--googleoff: index--> & <!--googleon: index-->
because this comment is for the Google.
*There must be a space or newline before the googleon tag.
I don’t want other comments since they are for development and useless for the website visitor. Also increases the document size.
Also, I’m not sure Google bots still care about these tags but I just add them. It is good if Autoptimize doesn’t remove it by default (or) provide an option to exclude these tags. Thank you.
<!–pass images–>
var theme_directory = “”;
…rest of code
chrome ignores this comment and does not report it as an error.
but when autoptimize removes the HTML comments within the <script></script> tags, the following error is generated:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
pass images–>
var theme_directory = “”;
…rest of code
Is it correct, that autooptimize within the scope of a script removes code independent of whether it is badly coded? should not leave intact the code that goes inside the tag <script></script>, because that code is interpreted by the JS engine and not by the explorer’s graphic part.
Thank you.
]]>This happens with comments for moderation, when logged in as an author, or as a previous commentor. Only the logged in admin does not have HTML stripped from comments.
Others posting text and HTML, will see the text in the posted comment, but not the HTML. And the comment log will leave the description, “Akismet cleared this comment.”
Akismet is up-to-date running version 3.2 and I noticed that this was an issue noted in the 3.1 update release.
Any thoughts, help is appreciated.
– Michael
]]>if I insert (multi-line or single line) comments in the code of a form like for instance:
<!– *****************
First name * Last name
***************** –>
<!– Gender –>
The resulting html code contains this:
<div style=”padding-bottom:6px; display: block; float: left; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px; background-color:#ededed;” ></div>
<p><!– *****************
First name * Last name
***************** –></p>
<div style=”padding-bottom:12px; display: block; float: left; width: 100%; background-color: #ededed; padding: 0px 20px 0px 20px;”>
See the <p> </p> tags around the comment?
This results in additional space being added to the form.
I work with the wordprress 4/3/1 and Divi theme 2.5.6