I Have a metakey called simply “sign” where should be visible the astrologic sign.
I have this code, but i am not able to find out how to hook it with the metakey. I tryed alone everything, but it’s over of my capabilitys obviously:
function segno_zodiacale($data){
list($giorno,$mese,$anno) = explode('-',$data);
if(($mese==1 && $giorno>20)||($mese==2 && $giorno<20)){
return 'Acquario';
}else if(
($mese==2 && $giorno>18 )||($mese==3 && $giorno<21)){
return 'Pesci';
}else if(
($mese==3 && $giorno>20)||($mese==4 && $giorno<21)){
return 'Ariete';
}else if(
($mese==4 && $giorno>20)||($mese==5 && $giorno<22)){
return 'Toro';
}else if(
($mese==5 && $giorno>21)||($mese==6 && $giorno<22)){
return 'Gemelli';
}else if(
($mese==6 && $giorno>21)||($mese==7 && $giorno<24)){
return 'Cancro';
}else if(
($mese==7 && $giorno>23)||($mese==8 && $giorno<24)){
return 'Leone';
}else if(
($mese==8 && $giorno>23)||($mese==9 && $giorno<24)){
return 'Vergine';
}else if(
($mese==9 && $giorno>23)||($mese==10 && $giorno<24)){
return 'Bilancia';
}else if(
($mese==10 && $giorno>23)||($mese==11 && $giorno<23)){
return 'Scorpione';
}else if(
($mese==11 && $giorno>22)||($mese==12 && $giorno<23)){
return 'Sagittariuo';
}else if(
($mese==12 && $giorno>22)||($mese==1 && $giorno<21)){
return 'Capricorno';
Sorry, the code is in italian. ($mese is month and $giorno is day).
]]>Toate cele bune.
]]>I want to know if there is a way I can update an existing page with a schedule using the same permalink? For example in many horoscope pages, ex. Horoscope.com , have auto generated daily horoscope that automatically updates the site. How can I use the same permalink or URL and make the anterior post expire and update it with a new one?
]]>I want to know if there is a way I can update an existing page. For example in many horoscope pages, ex. Horoscope.com , have auto generated daily horoscope that automatically updates the site. How can I use the same permalink or URL and make the anterior post expire and update it with a new one?
]]>Is there any Daily horoscope WP plugin in spanish language? I’d love to add one to my site
Any help?
[Moderator Note: No bumping, thank you.]
]]>The shortcode for use in a post/page is [wp_horoscope], not [horoscope_wp] as stated.