Recientemente he caído en cuenta que el plugin no está procesando correctamente los fees en los pedidos de WooCommerce.
Cuando se activa un descuento a través del gancho/hook “woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees” el pedido debería tomar el “fee” y descontarlo del subtotal.
Sin embargo, actualmente lado Conekta se está obviando, y únicamente toma el subtotal antes de los Fees o descuentos cobrando al cliente el total sin restar el descuento ofrecido.
He comprobado que desde versiones anteriores a la versión 5.0 esto no sucedía, por lo que es un error post-upgrade (actualmente en producción 5.0.8).
Con cupones de descuento o precios de productos en oferta si funciona todo bien.
Por lo que posiblemente dicha falla esté sucediendo con integraciones o plugins que utilicen el hook mencionado.
Ya comentado el caso a soporte desde un ticket interno.
]]>I would like to hook a custom action on woocommerce_payment_complete but the hook does not fire after a successful payment.
Any tip?
the search is also being performed in term
and media
This is cause I can see the following requests in the network tab:
So, what I’m trying to ask here is that does anyone here knows about any action/hooks that will allow me to disable this media
and/or term
search for the hyperlinks?
I looked at the WP core code but did not find any specific action using which I can exclude these unwanted searches. So, if anyone know how to achieve this, please do share.
P.S.: Google search says, disable WP REST API which is something I’m not going to do as it’s super useful and being used by many plugins. I’m looking for action/hooks to modify this default search experience inside block editor hyperlink section.
]]>Thank you in advance for your support, and I appreciate the work you’ve done with this plugin.
Best regards,
I put the wpcfm_config_format filter as described in Filters Reference · forumone/wp-cfm-dist Wiki · GitHub in functions.php, however the filter is not taken into account, I’m still getting the json format by default.
It seems that the WPCFM_Core and thus the constant WPCFM_CONFIG_FORMAT is constructed before the functions.php is called. Does someone has encountered the same issue? Could someone advise me how to resolve this please, thanks in advance.
]]>Cron reschedule event error for hook: action_scheduler_run_queue, Error code: could_not_set, Error message: The cron event list could not be saved., Data: {“schedule”:”every_minute”,”args”:[“WP Cron”],”interval”:60}
Is this related to WP Fastest Cache? If so, any ideas what to do about it?