ik zou graag alleen op mijn homepage een afbeelding als achtergrond willen en op de andere pagina een witte achtergrond. ik heb dit al geprobeert door
.home body.custom-background {
background-image: url(https://www.bypleun.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IMG_2720-scaled.jpg);
background-position: left top;
background-size: auto;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: scroll;
toe te voegen bijj extra css maar echter zie ik toch de afbeelding op iedere pagina.
iemand tips voor mij?
gr Peter
]]>I’m using your Bento theme for a website I’m developing. I created a child theme so I won’t lose any changes when the theme gets updated. I would like the (right-)sidebar to only show on the homepage. In the customizer, under default sidebar layout it reads:
You will also be able to change the layout for any single page or post individually using the Sidebar Layout option in the General Settings tab, while in the page edit mode.
But when I go to page edit mode, I don’t see any Sidebar Layout option in the General Settings tab. Do You have any idea how to get rid of the sidebar except on the homepage?
Thanks in advance,
On my website, on the main page, I’ve uploaded an image as a widget. What I don’t like, is that the widget is close to the bottom of my page, but I would like to have it centered, so right under my title. Is there a way to move the widget around? Also, I want to show this widget JUST on my homepage, not on others. Is this possible? I’m currently using the Nikko Portfolio theme.
Then a different question: the title of my website, “Daan Sanders”, is clickable, and when a visitor clicks it he will be sent to the homepage. Is there also a way to make this title ‘unclickable’, so that nothing will happen when you move your mouse over it? Or, if that’s not possible, is there a way to send the visitor to a different page on my website when he clicks on the title? For example to my page “Over Daan”?
I’ve really been Googling a lot to find an answer to these questions, but no success. Any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
]]>This happens regardless if I use a present animation or a custom one.
Animation works fine if set to load on every page, but we only want it for the first time someone visits the main page, ideally.
]]>I have been using this guide to apparently no great avail:
I’m having an issue with this plugin not being logged in (thrown out account as logged out) at homepage as homepage, but okay everywhere else – resumed to be logged in when changed to other pages. – it seems to just be the homepage.
I have reduced many of my plugins that may be interfering with TML but cannot fund the issue at all. – BBpress, buddypress, Paid Memberships Pro (which all works well on my test site with this plugin).
Is this familiar issue in the past, happened before due to a certain factor or setting?
What can I do? Thank you.
]]>i have read several topics how to display the slider on homepage only but can not figure out the right code in my situation.
so i am using storefront theme and dbox slider. i found in other topics to enter these codes into header.php to display slider on homepage:
<?php if ( is_home() ):?>
Your Slider HTML goes here
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if(is_front_page()):?>
Embed slider here
<?php endif;?>
or enter this to index.php
if ( function_exists( 'get_smooth_slider' ) and is_home() ) {
get_smooth_slider(); }
i have only embed shortcode for my slider [dboxslider]
and php file
<?php if( function_exists("get_dbox_slider") ){ get_dbox_slider(); } ?>
So how do I create a correct code and where to enter it?
]]>The site is:
Thank you