Being said, I’m also using a plugin that gets rid of the stinkin’ Gutenberg nonsense and goes straight to the classic editor.
So in fairness, I cannot speak to those still stuck with Gutenberg. However, if you’re using the classic editor, Exclude Pages From Menu should work like a champ.
Thank you to Vinod Dalvi for creating this plugin – works PERFECTLY!
]]>I’m only using Stripe for donations so I would like to hide the Products and Checkout-Results pages.
I would also like to know if I can use a text link in my email signature.
Thank you,
Thanks in advance,
Kind regards,
add_filter( ‘parse_query’, ‘exclude_pages_from_admin’ );
function exclude_pages_from_admin($query) {
global $pagenow,$post_type;
if (is_admin() && $pagenow==’nav-menus.php’ && $post_type ==’page’) {
$query->query_vars[‘post__not_in’] = array(‘1926′,’1940′,’1962′,’1966’);
How do I hide this page so that only people with a direct link can access it?
]]>To be more specific with an example:
As part of the user profile, they can pick an affiliation (creature, such as toad, rabbit, bear, etc.).
The website has normal public pages to it, but it ALSO has pages and content that are specific to those creatures. So, for example, a page called “News for Rabbits”. If and only if a user has chosen “rabbit” as their affiliation, they will see that page (and obviously they will not see any other animal pages).
How can I use the value of their choice to restrict what pages they see?
And to be specific, they shouldn’t even see the forbidden pages in the menu (because the menu would be otherwise flooded with animal pages and that’s crazymaking).
How might I use the User Meta data to achieve this?
I also have installed the plugin Press Permit Core, which allows pages (and the appearance of pages in menus) to be hidden or revealed according to rules associated with groups, but I can’t see how to connect PPC to User Meta so that I can use your data this way.
If there is a complementary plug-in you know is applicable, I would appreciate any advice toward achieving a good functional mix.
]]>I was wondering if there are any recent plugins to exclude pages from the navigation bar.
The one that I am using, is no longer being kept up. I am happy to use a paid version.
thanks much.