add_filter( 'get_terms', function($terms, $taxonomy, $args, $term_query){
if ($taxonomy==array('pwb-brand'))
$terms = $term_query->query( $args );
return $terms;
}, 10, 4 );
]]>I’ve installed SVG support plugin and by attaching this class names to the img tag it allows lots of functionalities like using fill:currentcolor and so.
Also pointing out the hide empty parameter is still broken
I use your plugin a lot, and given 5 stars. Thank you
]]>[categories_list hide_empty=1 scope=future pagination=0]<li>#_CATEGORYLINK</li>[/categories_list]
This shortcode works and hides truly empty categories, however it does not hide categories that have events that are all past. The link leads to the no events found message as there are no future events in this category.
Any ideas how to filter the output so “empty” is based on future events?
]]>First at all, your plugin is AWESOME!
Really great and powefull, right!
I found that with pwb-carousel shortcode, param “hide_empty” doesn’t works:
value true: show only brands with products
value false: idem
Can you help me to solve it?
In other hand, it would be great to add the random parameter in carousel, hope you can add it in next updates.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards.
In the product category widget I selected “Hide empty categories”. But still categories with products in “draft” are shown. How can I hide the categories with only products in draft as well?
Kind regards, Aron.
]]>is it possible to hide the empty filters?
Right now, if there is no Product in that filter, it shows with “0” and a cursor: not-allowed;.
thx for your reply.