I’m using the Gutenberg cover block to deliver some important SEO at the top of our homepage.
However, it seems that in every test search result in the last two months, and from assets generated by google ads, that google does not read the text of the cover block. Is there a better way to create a header with text for SEO rather than the cover block?
I am using the Shoptimizer Theme
]]>I hop eyou can help me. I recently was trying to redesign my homepage (whihc I thought was pretty simple looking – compared to most) but its not dispalying anything correctly despite looking good on the backend in both desktop and mobile view.
I have a hero image – 1200 wide with some text overlay, because the text is white i wanted a black background behind the text so i could use the opacity function to darken the image so the text would be more prominent. On WordPress editor it looks great. on prview, the text is opaue and on live (desktop and mobile the image is completely missing). Ive got screenshots of the different screens to show you what i mean (but not sure how to attached them here. Ive tried multiple mobile devices and only on one device does it show the image but then other items arent displaying properly.
Im not sure what im doing wrong Ive watched some tutorials to no avail.
I’d love to learn what the issue is and what im doing wrong – I look forward to hearing from you!
]]>I am trying to fix my webpage’s overall speed, but the hero image keeps lazy loading and triggering this error message from Google Lighthouse: Largest Contentful Paint image was lazily loaded
Largest Contentful Paint element.
Is there a way to not lazy load that image?
]]>I am a newbie to WordPress. I am using the Twenty Twenty-One Theme “Out-of-the-Box” from WP.org (v. 1.6).
My Site – Blog.AstrologyByDoctorT.com – looks ugly.
How can I add a “Hero Image” at the very top?
Thank you!
Doctor T
]]>I want also to exclude first or feature image of each of my post that appear above the fold.
I used your custom code for it on my wordpress site but its not working the first image is still lazy loaded.
Please also guide me where to add this code in function.php (at the end of function.php file or in between something?)
[ redundant link removed ]
I have 10 posts now, and all of them have the same issue, the featured image is not fit correctly. I have tried regenerating the thumbnails.