Do I need to have installed WP ROCKECT to have this Heartbeat plugin activated?
]]>Do I understand correctly that for Ad Inserter to work properly, you can’t limit Heartbeat API activity in the frontend, i.e. you can’t reduce its activity or turn it off?
]]>When we disable Heartbeat in the backend, your plugin reports a JavaScript error.
The JavaScript error is: Missing Dependencies: wp-auth-check
At first, we thought the error was caused by our caching plugin SG Optimizer. As it turns out, however, it appears the error is simply a Query Monitor alert suggesting the affected website’s Heartbeat is disabled.
For more useful information, please refer to the following:
SGO Heartbeat Trigerring Javascript Error
Missing Dependencies upon heartbeat deactivation
Disabling Heartbeat causes Missing Dependencies error in Query Monitor
So, based on the above, shouldn’t your plugin code be adjusted to reflect a more accurate error message — or — disregard the Heartbeat condition by not displaying the error message at all? It’s creating confusion and causing many to chase what appears to be a “false positive.”
Until then, we’ll simply follow SiteGround’s advice on this matter.
Thank you.
]]>To ensure your plugin’s widget data is displayed correctly (i.e., accurate data for the past 30 days), do we need to enable Heartbeat in the backend? If so, what interval (in seconds) do you recommend?
I searched your documentation but could not find anything on this.
Thank you.
]]>What depends upon Heartbeat?
How to fix this?
WP Rocket: The following plugins are not compatible with this plugin and may cause unexpected results:
Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket
]]>I can’t find the jetpack_v2_heartbeat file.
Could you please give me some guideness where it’s located?
Thank you in advance!