I am using your excellent plugin on several pages on my site broughtonschoolofmotoring.com
On pages with a sidebar, the Testimonials View widget displays just fine on a desktop or a mobile (where the testimonial appears after the post content).
But on a tablet like an iPad, the sidebar sits alongside the main content of the post or page and the heading of the testimonial is too large. See:
I can’t work out how to make the heading smaller on a tablet only! I’d also like to make the text of the testimonial slightly smaller too.
Any help would be appreciated!
]]>Am I right in thinking that if I want to change the size of the heading fonts, I just change the relevant line in style.css.
For example, change:
“h2, .heading-size-2 { font-size: 4.0rem; }”
h2, .heading-size-2 { font-size: 6.0rem; }
Or are there other steps to take?
I’m using OceanWP theme v1.7.3 free version with WP 5.3.2 (clean WordPress install) with an OceanWP child theme. No other plugins or themes installed.
Going to Customize / Typography changing the font size of the ‘Body’ does work!
But changing the font size of any ‘Heading’ (H1, H2, H3…) doesn’t work.
Under Headings all other parameters can be changed except the font size. For example under Customize / Typography / Heading 1 (H1) / Font Size I put 12px but the heading h2 doesn’t change.
Please help, is that a bug or what I’m doing wrong?
Best regards,
I am using Worpress 3.7.1 with the Associate Template on the Genesis framework. I installed the Page Layout builder to customize some of my static pages on my site by adding a number of featured pages to one page. You can have a look HERE.
The plugin works fine, but I would like to know how I can change the font size of the module headings. When you look at the page, the headings are to big and it throws the alignment of my pictures etc. out and makes everything look skew. I would like to change the font size to better fit in with the rest of my website’s font and to align the different modules better.
Can you please advise?
]]>This issue seems to be throughout the posts, pages and slide-image.php.
Style css specifies
font-size: 15px;
One example: In the Visual Editor for Posts Heading 4, H5 and H6 are in a different font and all about 20px. My test site.
You will also see my attempts to figure out the font sizes in slide-image.php
Please advise where I can look to fix.