The most recent plugin installed this year was ManageWP. I mention this because, after exhausting other possibilities, we may need to conduct forensic tests on the code of your plugin and the previous state of the website to see if there’s a small chance your plugin was used to access the site and modify a file. At this point, this is just a theory, but we’re not ruling anything out as it’s becoming increasingly difficult to replicate the issue.
Has anyone else experienced a similar problem with your plugin?
]]>There are some serious hacking attempts on my website. What shall i Do? Here is the screenshot
]]>It appears that protection in protecting the user name from hackers who try author= has stopped working and I have had different people trying to login to my website in the last 1 hour.
They managed to find out my user name and I have set the failed login attempt to 1 for the present to protect my website.
Please help!
]]>Lately I’ve seen a lot of hits in the 404 monitor that end with
Obviously there are no pages by this name.
I’ve seen as many as 3500 attempts with over 40 user agents using /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/- (and that’s going to slow down the server. Ack!)
I haven’t been able to find anything on forums or elsewhere online about this. Does anyone know what it is? Is it a hacking attempt? And if so, how do you block it?
I use Wordfence, but blocking an IP address is of limited use.
I am new to the forum. Before now, I’ve always found an answer without needing to register. But now I am stumped. Thanks for any help!
]]>I was really shocked by the message and it drenched my mind that someone tried to corrupt my website files. But still I am not sure what happened and what shall I do to prevent such things ..??
My site:
If anyone want to check the wfBrowscapCache file
Please check from this link:
Refresh the link if it doesn’t loads in first attempt.
2012-09-11 04:40:58
[404] /e6fd5a264f812fbbf22aa86911e7dcced8c0f36f.php
Referrer: Direct hit
Probably hack attempt!
04:40:57 ->[404] /e6fd5a264f812fbbf22aa86911e7dcced8c0f36f.php
04:40:58 ->/
2012-09-11 03:25:54
[404] /e6fd5a264f812fbbf22aa86911e7dcced8c0f36f.php
Referrer: Direct hit
Probably hack attempt!
03:25:53 ->[404] /e6fd5a264f812fbbf22aa86911e7dcced8c0f36f.php
03:25:54 ->/
2012-09-11 02:10:50
[404] /e6fd5a264f812fbbf22aa86911e7dcced8c0f36f.php
Referrer: Direct hit
Probably hack attempt!
02:10:49 ->[404] /e6fd5a264f812fbbf22aa86911e7dcced8c0f36f.php
02:10:50 ->/
2012-09-11 00:55:46
[404] /e6fd5a264f812fbbf22aa86911e7dcced8c0f36f.php
Referrer: Direct hit
Probably hack attempt!
00:55:43 ->[404] /e6fd5a264f812fbbf22aa86911e7dcced8c0f36f.php
00:55:46 ->/
as you can see in 3 days there have been 4 attempts.The bot or person keeps calling a strange php url on my website.What can I do to prevent this hacker or hack attempt.
]]>My site is displaying a “hacking attempt” message. WordPress is installed in a subdirectory (/wp) and is published to the root directory. I can view the entire site in the subdirectory – – work in the control panel, etc. But any pages on the root directory are displaying the “hacking attempt” message.
I have attempted republishing WP to different directories – I can publish to a new subdirectory with no issues, but I cannot publish to the root directory at all. I’ve redone the index.php and .htaccess files. Everything else seems fine – it’s just this hacking message. I’ve viewed the source of the hacking message page and there’s nothing there. None of the files appear to be recently changed.
The site is hosted by GoDaddy (not my choice) and they were wholly unhelpful.
Any suggestions?
]]>Browser: Unknown
OS: Unknown
Resolution: 30720×768
While I was writing this I noticed also entries from:
Dallas, Texas, United States Layered Technologies
IP Address:
Browser: Unknown
OS: Unknown
Resolution: 30720×768
Note that all entries are from unknown browsers with a strange resolution.
Is that something I should be worried about? Could that be just a bot or perhaps hacking attempts?
Any help or info would be much appreciated.
]]>version. 2.8.2
go figure- i was checking out my own links yesterday, and I suspect my host locked database permissions or wordpress itself suspecting hacking attemp
is there a way to solve this problem?