I had modified the following file: public_html / wp-content / plugins / wp-hotel-booking / templates / search / list.php
This I did to get a functionality that required for my website and the plugin did not provide me.
Well, everything worked perfectly until it was updated.
The file public_html / wp-content / plugins / wp-hotel-booking / templates / search / list.php changed and the changes that it had echos were broken.
Can I change this file again, or will I have problems whenever they update?
I have spent money to modify this file and now I am like at the beginning, for its update.
You can give me some idea of ??how to solve this.
Without a doubt, it must be the one who helped me with this, that he should help me, but I wanted to know his opinion about it.
?I await your response to take the appropriate steps to correct the error.
Thanks for the support.
At this moment, I am trying to add the images to the slider that the different sections of the theme have, like the rooms.
Edit the slider with which the site starts (https://lasmimosas.org) has been simple, because in the editor you can see the slider corresponding to this section: [rev_slider alias = “howello”]
This is not the case in other sections, such as on the same page, the section at the top of “rooms” and “Our services”.
The editor shows only what is seen in the capture: https://ibb.co/vDB15PF
As in the editor, there is no way to see what the slider is that I need to edit, as in the main slider: [rev_slider alias = “howello”]
The same happens in the rooms, the following is shown: https://ibb.co/Z82rt0p
And the editor does not give me any option to know which is the corresponding slider. You see it in the capture:
How can I know the slider that corresponds to each section?
One option could be to complete all the existing slider with the new images and then correct and change the necessary ones for each section.
But for this you should spend a lot of time. I’m sure it’s very simple, but I can not find a way to do it.
Can you give me some advice on how to get what I need?
Thanks for the support.
The translation is not well done, since only half of the sentence is translated.
Another mistake is that the first part of the sentence (“I have read and accept”) is linked to the “Terms and conditions” link
I have reviewed almost all the wp-hotel-booking files, but not PHP’s way of calling other files.
First I thought it would be >> wp-content / plugins / wp-hotel-booking / checkbox / checkbox.php, since to edit the page from KC, what you see in the editor is the following: [hotel_booking_checkout]
How can I translate this?
From what file can I correct this error and put everything in Spanish?
Thank you.