If you look at the website Pink Hockey Nijmegen you will see that it looks fine on the desktop, but that it looks terrible on a tablet or a mobile phone. The reason is that that the padding of 14% at the left and right side is also applied to the tablet and the mobile view. How can I set a different padding for the tablet and mobile view (padding of 0px)? I hoped that by changing the view to tablet of mobile I could set a different padding, but that doesn’t seem to be that case. I expect responsiveness is at the core of the WordPress block editor, so there must be a way (without resorting to writing CSS-code)?
Yours sincerely.
]]>Kickflip offers a pay-per-sale fee option instead of a monthly subscription, which is convenient for small businesses.
However, it’s worth noting that as of my review, the plugin is not compatible with my WooCommerce website, where I use the Gutenberg editor with the Blocksy theme. I have been testing the conflict and have found a work around by overriding the theme cart template blocksy/woocommerce/cart/cart.php
and reverting to woocommerce/templates/cart/cart.php
. No other files in the theme required adjustments.
Please help me figure out why the page is not saving the membership restriction. Thanks in advance!
]]>I am not using any plugin.
]]>Its making editor to scroll up and use Formatting Toolbar to edit scrolled content.
I already included videos to describe this Classic Block no longer sticky issue. WordPress also logged this issue. Dose anyone else realized this issue after WP 6.3 update.?