The listing of guest authors does not work properly anymore. It doesn’t show the authors you have saved as guest authors for a post, but mostly the people who put the post online.
In addition, there has been the problem for some time that the information of two authors or guest authors under a posting merges into each other. Is it not possible to separate the details with columns?
Best regards,
Sinced the other thread about this got closed I thought I would raise it again because we are expereincing this issue.
Adding Guest Authors no longer works from the Post editing page. You can add them but as soon as you save the draft then revisit the preview or post they have gone. Previous posting provided the solution. It seems as if you add the authors via the Quick Add then they save. I think perhaps they are getting overwritten by the WordPress Author on save?
Profile press Version 3.1.17
WordPress 5.8 running ORCID Outreach Pro theme. Using Genesis 3.3.5.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’m trying to display author social media links on my website.
I have added a twitter, instagram and mukrack field to the Guest Author admin page via ACF.
The ACF website states to use the following code to access the custom fields:
$authorTwitter = get_field(‘authorTwitter’, ‘user_’.$guestID);
I then display the link via this code (using Font Awesome):
<?php echo ‘<i class=”social-icon fab fa-twitter fa-2x”></i> ‘; ?>
Unfortunately this does not pull the link from the custom field.
My thoughts are that the code provided by ACF only applies to ‘Users’ and not ‘Guest Authors.
]]>I had an issue with the archive page not working for guest authors. I submitted a support request and was helped VERY quickly. I was even surprised that the problem was fixed considering it was in my theme files that caused an issue. So many people would have just blamed someone else and basically told me to go away but Molongui didn’t.
So very happy with this and how it all turned out. Worked great! Thank you!!
]]>The BIO is showing, and right below where the social icons should be, the black bar is not present.
With the SAME configuration but the only difference being the other users are not guest authors but authors it works perfectly. I see the icons perfectly.
So this HAS to be related to the fact they are Guests!!!
Please hell anyone!! I’ve been waiting for support for a couple of weeks now without an answer (yeah, I’m aware of COVID-19 obviously). But perhaps someone else has found the same problem and a workaround?
]]>I just had a quick question before upgrading: How exactly does the guest author feature work with the premium version? For context, nearly all of our writers are categorized as “guest authors.” With the pro version, does it work the same way it does with registered WordPress users, i.e. enter the information in once and the bio, avatar, etc. appear underneath all of the posts, or is it something where it has to be entered in manually each and every time?