For example, I have custom posts/product pages and would like to create a widget with a contact form titled “inquire about this product”. When someone fills out the form and submits, I would like a link to that product page included in the email sent. Is that possible? Can I replace the Subject line with link to the post?
]]>Uncaught ReferenceError: grunionEditorView is not defined
at b.(anonymous function).b.(anonymous function).init
and goes downhill from there.
]]>Like, using wp_insert_post
or something and copy the field data and inserting them in a draft post (standard post, not CPT).
For example:
Somebody fills in a feedback contact form on my site; and asks a question. I’d like to reply to his question by creating a blog post so everybody can see it.
Let’s say the fields (or labels) are:
What’s your question?
In the created blog post I’d like the post title to be something like:
{Name} asked a question.
The post content should contain the asked question and also be prepared for my answer further below in the post.
Is this possible in some way?
I think it should be… Can I grab the feedback by custom fields?
Sorry for my very simple explanation for this. I’m a complete N00b when it comes to php and coding.
Please help.
]]>Fatal error: Cannot redeclare grunion_media_button() (previously declared in /home/jakkur/webapps/johnrego/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/contact-form/admin.php:18) in /home/jakkur/webapps/johnrego/wp-content/themes/bigcity/functions/contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php on line 682
Please help!
]]>if ( apply_filters( 'akismet_optimize_table', ( mt_rand(1, 5000) == 11), $wpdb->comments ) ) // lucky number
$wpdb->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE {$wpdb->comments}");
In Jetpack Contact Form it’s the same, except with ‘grunion_optimize_table’ and $wpdb->posts
In core WP, ‘OPTIMIZE TABLE’ only appears once, protected by WP_ALLOW_REPAIR
and various scare techniques like warning “Repairing and optimizing the database can take a long time and the database will be locked while optimizing” and telling the user to delete the constant when done.
Here’s my issue:
* Since it runs 1 out of 5000 times, any problems this code causes will be extremely intermittent and difficult to diagnose.
* InnoDB tables recreate + analyze rather than optimize. Is that bad?
* May encourage plugin authors to do similar stuff, since Akismet and Jetpack are semi-official.
This stuff has been in the code since the beginning of time, and there is no discussion on core trac, plugin trac, these forums, wp stack exchange, or in Google. So I’m starting one!
]]>There are two key things that I’ve changed, and they were working fine through yesterday as far as I noticed. Then I believe an update was installed either to WordPress or Jetpack, and the .php file where I made the fixes went back to it’s “default” state and I lost my changes.
First, originally the contact form had line breaks between the text above each of the form fields and the field itself, as well as three breaks beneath the submit button. You can see the result in this screenshot:
In order to get rid of these breaks, I removed “\n” from the following lines of the .php file:
(These put breaks between the field label text and the text-entry box)
(And these added three paragraph breaks beneath the “Submit” button)
The result is what you can find on my site now, or in this screenshot which also shows the inspector with the line breaks gone.
The second thing I did was update the confirmation message that shows up in line 994.
How can I make sure that these updates persist regardless of whatever changes are made to the rest of the Jetpack plugin suite or WordPress? Or at least in the worst-case scenario get an alert and the option to manually update so I can make sure to re-edit this file every time a change is made that would affect it?
Thanks for your help!
]]>Tried searching for Grunion contact form through my WordPress site and I get a 403 error (yet I can search for any other plugin), I tried manually downloading and installing the plugin but when I click activate I get a 403 error (but i can activate any other plugin).
I’ve tried changing permissions to 755 in the plugin folder and clearing my cache and and deleting all other plugins (This is just a dummy site I’m using although it’s on a live server).
Don’t know what’s wrong with it guys…
Hope you can fix it because your plugin looks cool
]]>Any guidance would be really appreciated!
]]>I am getting quite a few errors relating to the value of the “for” attribute.